Yes when do you Think that or that we can change armor on then oure self…
When will they come back? When will the crafter thralls be uppdated?
I think the title was supposed to be “So when will we get the old good looking crafter thralls back?” and the text of the first post is asking when that will happen or, failing that, when we can get an update that allows us to customize the appearance of the crafter thralls.
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Your skill in Gibberish Decoding has increased to 68.
Yes it was so fun to just go and lock for good loking thralls on all camps, they did not have to be good, just good locking for decorations.
Better looking crafting thralls would be great. Why earlier in the game I collected certain ones. Not looking for bald guys in rags doesn’t have to be female’s just better looking though female’s are fine.
The ability to change (or remove) crafting thralls clothes is one of the things at the top of my want list.
I mean, if I want my smelter to play with molten metals naked, then that should be my prerogative. If I want my blacksmith to have a peg-leg, a hook-hand and an eye-patch, then to hell with any OH&S regulations. And if I decide my cooks should be dressed as Inn Keepers, then that’s how they should dress.
I even crafted gloves and apron for a blacksmith, until I found out you cannot put them on the working thrall
We asked this so often…… funcom please listen finally to this.
hehe yes so true, you can Craft almost Everything but ….
Well you dont have to pick them, thats whats the fredom to pick from the variations is about.
Wait, what? I’m pretty sure thralls appear the way they did when you knocked them out.
Yes me to.
Some time turning a Wheel of Pain will help motivate you to grow a new foot. Works every time.
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