(Solved) Armorer Zavek can no longer craft Flawless Cimmerian Armor

Game mode: Online private and Singleplayer
Type of issue: Bug
Server type: PvE
Region: North America

When the T4 armorer Zavek is put into the improved armorer bench, the recipes for all the flawless cimmerian armor aren’t showing. Tried taking him off the bench and putting him back, also tried replacing the bench; didn’t work. Required feats to craft the armors are unlocked.

  1. Put Zavek into any improved armorer bench
  2. See that flawless recipes aren’t showing

The entire system has been overhauled. Any armorer can make the best version of all armors, with the caveat that there are 3 different specializations.

See here: https://conanexiles.gamepedia.com/Armorer_(thrall)


Also flawless armour was removed from the game completely

Thank you for answering. The game changed a lot.


That’s what Funcom called it. It’s more complicated imho.

Curious, but is there any advantage to having an armorer purge thrall?
Or are T4 purge armorers exactly the same as regular T4 armorers now?

Not explicitly, Caffeine, but this list shows you the spec for each named armorer when you expand it, along with the source (purge or not).

Also, this thread will explain how to determine what does what for each profession.



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