I’ve gotten back into the game recently as of a couple weeks ago, and I wanted to report some things.
• Sometimes stone and iron deposits don’t disappear when harvesting them
• Rocknose Eggs expire timer stops when put into an animal pen (had it in there for two days and never expired, keep them in my inventory now)
• Breast physics, clears throat sometimes is inconsistent. Sometimes it’s active, sometimes it’s not.
Best to leave one report per thread to better keep the forum organized for the devs to be informed.
Stone and iron nodes do seem to act erratically, but this is mostly to blame to the nature of server ping and performance to client.
Rocknose eggs do not decay in the pet position of the animal pen. This makes it not needed to make a system to keep these animals fed. If you want to hatch eggs, keep them in a chest or cabinet for a day. If you want it faster, use a compost bin to speed the timer.
Breast physics can be wonky, especially with giant fantasy based measurements. I feel that this could be improved on.
Do I need to put anything in the compost? And I was thinking about putting it in chests, but wasn’t sure if that’d work either. And I haven’t thought about posting in the thread for bug reports. I’ve just been @ing Tascha on Twitter.
No, just put them in the compost on their own, I think the decay timer drops to about 1/3 of the original timer.
Right, and the time spent in compost is additive. If you place it in for a few minutes and remove, it will remember the time spent the next time you place it. It is a multiplier based on total decay time.
4: During a purge the other day, I was encountered with “A band of desperate Exiles,” but only skeletons, like from the Unnamed City, attacked my base.
After I finished off that wave, the purge message played again, now correctly showing human Exiles. But I wanted to put this out there.
5: Thralls don’t follow when you admin teleport
6: Invisibility doesn’t work in the admin panel.
7: NPC duplication still an issue
8: When typing something in the admin panel to look for something, after you press start, it takes like five seconds for the results to show up.
9: Bosses will sometimes pin you in a corner, and you can’t get out until you’re dead.
10: Masks equipped, but it doesn’t show them until a couple seconds
It is more of a codename, the NPCs are less common than the creatures to keep it balanced essentiallly. You’re correct in that the first on-base spawns are not NPCs (for this purge).
Sort of self-explanatory, not really a bug, nor a feature. If you want, suggest it on the Suggestions subforum.
This is being worked on: Trello
Players are able to upvote issues on Trello to prioritize them (afaik anything which is not in development or prioritized yet)
I used to be able to admin from one place to another with thralls. The recent patch messed it up.
11: You can see through your belly button
12: On some Two-Handed Sword attacks, your hands aren’t always on he hilt
13: Enemies sometimes disappear for a couple Seconds after death
14: NPC Thralls don’t automatically attack you
15: NPC Thralls, when encountered, will sometimes walk away somewhere nearby, but will just stand there.
16: Duplicate katanas in the Blacksmith’s bench
17: Decorative Metal Skull has duplicate repair requirements.
18: I have “drop equipment upon death” unchecked in my single player game, and the last two times I’ve died, I’ve had it retrieve my body. The last time, however, I couldn’t find my body. I died in the Unnamed City. I exited the game, got back in, and still couldn’t find it.
I had to admin everything back in. Thankfully I didn’t have to do too much, but this is an issue I want to address.
19: Truncheon won’t knock out NPCs
When using wedges (foundations or ceilings) this tends to happen. Sometimes I rapidly place down items in bulk to make things go by faster, or sometimes I just don’t pay attention. I’m making a Map Room and was using a lot of wedge foundations.Sometimes wedges tend to misalign, and it bugs me. It has irked me for quite some time now, and only now addressing it, thinking someone else would have talked about it. This is a reason why I don’t like using wedges.