Some questions and some observations

What is the event that occurs at the Summoning Place? I’ve never played Isle of Siptah but it reminds me of what I’ve seen in videos about that DLC.

Is there a limit to how many perks you can corrupt or can grit and expertise not be corrupted?

Some spells are just far too short to be of any use such as the wisp spells and creeping darkness. If these are typical I’m betting others are as well.

The price for corrupted perks is just too high to be of value imo. Permanent corruption of half your health and stamina for corrupting one attribute bar seems extreme and as far as I can tell the corrupted perks aren’t that much better, if any, than regular perks. These corrupted perks need to be significantly better to make them worth that price.

Edit: Are purges still happening? I’m well past the first line and am overdue for a purge. This being in single player. I’m wondering if they are bugged or are simply turned off for AoS.

Addendum: Lightning Storm needs work. When I cast it it actually formed behind me. If it followed you that’d be one thing but when I cast it it just sits there and strikes my mount over and over again.

As Funcom stated in it’s livestream sorcery is not something you use in combat so the storm has to be cast out of aggro range. Which means, if it’s stationary, the nearest edge needs to be at that same range or greater and in front of you, not behind you. Or it needs to follow you and NOT strike your follower or mount over and over again instead of any enemies in the area.

Edit: Overall this expansion has a lot of great ideas but so many of them are implemented poorly. Sorcery and corrupted perks which were the biggest selling points are simply underwhelming. There are good spells sure. Raising the undead in particular is very useful, especially if you’re due for a purge and there are gaps in your defense. The bat spell is fun but the flight is on the short side. The slow fall spell is also fun but outside of jumping off cliffs for fun not really that useful. Summoned demons are weak and don’t last long. Then there’s the armor which is OP. I mean you create a sorcery mechanic and the best thing about it is…armor? As I said before there are a lot of good ideas here but it’s like Funcom was really unwilling to commit and made most of the spells so weak or short that they’re useless. And corrupted perks aren’t any better than the perks they replace which makes the sacrifice in health and stamina simply not worth it. Another good idea that simply lacks impact again as if Funcom is simply unwilling to commit.

Addendum 2: Concerning wisp spell

This really needs reworked. I would suggest the ability to cast it on your thrall rather than yourself. And as stated before it’s far too short to be that useful. Why cast on a thrall? Because more often than not I find the spell blinds me rather than helps me see where I’m going. If it were cast on a thrall the distance would keep it from blinding you and you’d have the added benefit of knowing just where your thrall is and what’s it’s doing if you’re fighting in the dark. I ran into such an issue today where I was fighting in a dark area and was getting overwhelmed only to discover my thrall was stuck on a rock. I had to make a run for it both to keep from dying and to get my thrall unstuck.

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