Some servers I have awful lag on

Game mode: [Online]
Problem: [Performance]
Region: [US Official Server 3651]

I have played on a LOT of servers in the last 2+ years. One server i used to play on I pop in from time to time to help in a raid. When I played on this server full time a year ago, I had no issues with latency or lag. When I log into this server these days, my stamina takes sometimes upwards of 30 seconds to replenish, and once I see that its not going up I have to stop moving cause I know I’m going to rubberband waaaaay far back to where I was when it started, which is non stop. The guys I play with here never really left the server like I did back in the day, and they have zero issues. I dont have any issues like this on mostly other server I’ve played in recent days, even ones I was on almost 2 years ago. I dont know if its a server database issue(corrupt?) But it kind of sucks now that I want to join him more often. My ping is 33 like it is for almost all east coast servers and I load in just as quick as I do to other servers. But as soon as in connected its a joke. I went as far as to recreate my character and the problem persists, right after that I deleted and reinstalled the game and the problem still exists.

Steps on how to reproduce issue:

  1. Log into server
  2. Generally get stuck in place for 5-10 minutes.
  3. When I can move have awful rubberband and stamina issues/players teleporting cause of desync.
  4. Don’t profit.
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