Some suggestions for 3.0 Balance

  1. Corruption should not be removed as easily as it is now. We have a large number of imba abilities, such as teleport, body teleport, and so on. The player should pay a more substantial price for using sorcery. So dancers should remove corruption times slower than it is now. I think T4 dancer should remove 50% corruption in 2 hours (including offline). Using sorcery should be a SELECTION, not the only optimal option.

  2. Corruption perks are very weak. They don’t make any sense. In fact, they’re even weaker than normal perks. This is despite the fact that they require additional resources to learn. And if you want to respec them will require them again. I think we should aim for a character with 50% corruption with all perks to be about the same strength (maybe a little weaker) than a character with 0% corruption. This is fair since he spends extra resources to compensate for the presence of corruption.

  3. Аbyssal armor shouldn’t be so OP. If you keep its price the same, it should be about 10-20% weaker than normal light armor made by an armorer. You can increase its price (by a factor of 10), but still turn it down a bit. Or you can add permanent corruption for each element of such armor.

  4. Many items, including those from eldarium have become essentially useless as their characteristics have become significantly less. For example, the same snake gloves now just give +8% to attack power (as much as the most ordinary gloves). In general, it’s bad when the old things become completely unnecessary. I would have added them some purely PvE bonuses. For example, items from eldarium could increase damage to creatures from surge. Some weapons would also have effects with increased damage on certain types of creatures (dragons, undead, etc). Such weapons are already in the game, and I think it’s ideal for things that developers now do not want to see OP.

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I mean…if max Corruption was the same as 0 Corruption, what’s the point? The perks are supposed to make you more powerful with corruption. Not the same level.

Do you mean Bracers of the Serpent?

They have +8 STR pre-3.0.
That’s +16% attack power.

It does seem a bit excessive for a 50% reduction.


With corruption, you additionally have the ability to cast spells.

now they are +8%, +8 str was not just +16% dmg, it was also some more perks

I know, but you’re supposed to be more powerful with Corruption. Not equal power.

I’m just going by what the attribute page said. And I know that all of the gear was changed over to more blatantly show what it gave us.

+Strength doesn’t tell you much without knowing the math and calculating things yourself.
+% to damage is easier to understand and know on-the-fly without having to consult anything.

Maybe it’s just a mistake and they transferred 8 STR over to +8% without the actual calculation.

Boots of the Serpent was +8 Encumbrance.
What are they in the testlive? Still +56 lbs to your carry weight?

OK so this whole thing did nerf the Siptah meta. I’ll assume that boots of the serpent have similar level of buffing…What’s aspect of the demon looking like now?


The armor remained, but the weight increased by 2 times.

Almost the entire siptach became like an ordinary epic. Bat Helmet now only grants a bonus to concussion and 68 HP. The Wolf Helm gives good armor and +15% damage from weapons of strength. But it seems like this effect is considered a potion (I was unable to maintain buffs from the potion, helmet and food at the same time)

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But is it still light? That was the issue of the helm. The ability to over double that armor with a t4. The additional weight is going to be a problem for what I hear about stamina rules regardless.

yes, 423 armor

Very interesting…

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