Some technical details for the Isle of Siptah update

Nothing transfers from one map to another. Two separate maps with two separate save files. If you want the same item on both, you’ll need to spawn in a second one for the new map.

Thanks for clearing some of that up, Question as reference point (console player)

So new system will allow more Maps via Ark? Just so I have something to compare to.

No not as of now but give it time to launch on all platforms and out of early

You never know

Thanks for the reply.
(Spawn in a second one for the new map) (Two separate maps with two separate save files)

Did it will work on Offical/Online server too?

You got the point. :grinning:

Actually i just wondering should i continue invest on my Offical Server Exiles Land.

official => no, because you do not have admin rights but if the recipe exists and you have learned it you can craft a new one
online (private) => maybe, if you are the amdin of this server

So if we want to be able to move between maps ( any ) we need a mod that saves your character (no inventory), then maybe an external little app that copies that save file to the second map, and the same mod running in the second map to load the character.

Seems quite easy to do it !


Greetings and thanks for the clarifications!

As a GPortal dedicated server owner I have a couple of questions

  1. Will the servers wipe at the end early access?
  2. Where do I find the documentation that is to be released today Monday 9/14?


It may not be as easy as you think to write a mod to allow transfer of a character from one map to another. For one thing, it’s not just a separate map, it’s a separate server. the two servers may be on the same physical box, or they may be on separate physical/virtual boxes (far more likely). You’ll have to take into account that the mods on each server will have to be configured so that they can access the save files ON ANOTHER SERVER. Also, there may not be a full overlap of knowledge. That is, all the feats on Exiled Lands may not exist on Siptah, and knolwledge learned on Siptah may not be transferrable to the Exiled Lands. If you’re not bringing inventory with you, it sounds like it’s more work than is worth it to simply have your level and appearance duplicated.

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  1. Multimap Functionality Documentation
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you probably not aware but this is not ark


Does this mean even single player will run better or is this only related to server performance and won’t have an effect on single player worlds?

you know how it is implemented? it’s based on steam cloud. exactly that part (steam api) which was replaced with the funcom live service. comparing apples with pears will not make it even more possible. unreal is not always the answer for all problems. not every part of a game is pure unreal.

i’m pretty sure we’ll see a feature like this sooner or later but not as a ark copy & paste solution which makes literally no sense

I really dont want to beat a dead horse here, but Glaucon, if there is fear of people reuploading the map (understandable) if you give modders permission to add their custom dungeons/camps/structures, why not just add a check for anyone that launches a mod with the map present in it, or implement a way to only allow people to import only their custom structures without touching the map itself, Think photoshop, if you place down a picture, you can add things on top on this picture, any filters, designs, stickers, ect. but you can not edit the ACTUAL picture itself, (unless you unlock it of course) could this not be done in some way? AOC and EEWA combined have nearly HALF A MILLION subscribers, iplease understand thats nearly a QUARTER of ALL people who own conan exile. and without them i feel a major part of the community will die off :confused:

Plan for it to be so, it’s early access, the game will change over the months.

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Database Maintenance

Currently, I use the supplied script to maintain our databases (CheckGameDB.bat)

Should I just edit this file from:

@echo off
for %%a in (game.db) do (
echo “%%a”
sqlite3.exe %%a “pragma integrity_check”


@echo off
for %%a in (DLC_Siptah.db) do (
echo “%%a”
sqlite3.exe %%a “pragma integrity_check”

Would this clean the DB correctly for the new game?

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It is making the game very big in file size now!!!

Yes, yes, yes… I’m running a private server and this ability would, from your character (toon) perspective, make it one game. As it is now it’s, from the character’s perspective, two different games with similar elements and different topography and story elements each requiring separate character, base and resource development. The ability to transition between maps with the same character would truly make this an awesome game with unlimited possibilities.


OK, so I did read most of this thread, and I know in single player if you want to start a new character on the new map you choose “new game”, I assume, but I’m afraid to try it because I don’t want to lose my original character and buildings. Will I still be able to go back to my original world/character whenever I want? How will that work in the menu or whatever?