Hello there.
We are in the final hours before Conan Exiles first Expansion, The Isle of Siptah, where it launches in Early Access for PC. This post is meant to be informative with regards to Siptah and modding Conan Exiles.
With that, I ask that you please be aware. Siptah has made a lot of changes to various systems in Conan Exiles. Nearly every mod will need updating to some extent (not just my own, which basically all need updating themselves, and what I have been working on nearly non stop the last few days).
Please note, that it may take some time for many modders to complete various updates. Even when we do roll out our updates, we may not be aware of other issues that didn’t come across during our testing due to the fact so much has changed. As such, it may require that we update our mods more frequently than normal as we become aware of issues that could be require immediate fixing.
So what I ask is that you give mod authors, including myself, time and patience to roll out updates for the new Siptah expansion. It may take us several days, maybe even weeks, before all the major mods are up and running to their full extent.
Furthermore, Funcom is going to have their hands full. This is the biggest release update to Conan Exiles since the 1.0 release in May of 2018. The expansion is Early Access, and as such it should be treated that way. Some features are not finalized or are still being fully fleshed. There can and will be bugs. Help the Funcom dev team out with good, extensive reports and feedback on the forums about what you are seeing. With bug reports, try to create reproduction steps and as much detail as you can provide.
But remember, especially in the first several days of this update, that you please make sure you are 10000% certain it’s not a mod update issue or incompatibility before posting a comment or bug report. Funcom needs to be able to focus on the issues they can control, and people often flood Funcom with bug reports that are exclusive to mods. Please do your part and just make sure that what you are experiencing is a game issue, and not a mod issue.
Thank you