Someone made a really cool weather suggestion to add to Isle of sipath

Someone mentioned floods and thats just sounds like such a cool feature to add. I just imagine seeing a blue wave approaching … almost like the brown haze of the sandstorm in exiled lands… and you have to quickly run to higher grounds… and then when its over you see washed up bodies… and some loot.


Thank you! I thought it was neat and it would explain all those shipwrecks that are hundreds to thousands of feet into the land of the island.

Floods would be a nightmare as I understand it.

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another reason to add it

I think you misunderstand what they meant. It would be a nightmare: For Funcom, server performance, the poor engine programmers who would have to try and figure out how to make it actually happen because the water level in the game is just that - a flat unmoving mesh and ‘swimming’ is essentially just turning off gravity and applying a screen effect.

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can’t they just hire someone to figure that out…

building gets destroyed and the waves changes in magnitutde… so you get some insane ones

Oh, I could think of a way or two to do it. Spawn giant ‘wave’ creatures that move together across the map and inflict damage if you don’t get behind something and cause damage to people and buildings.

That costs money and time (clearly) and the water stuff is already a pain in their arse. I was looking at the custom map helper for savage wilds by that team and one thing they point out even there, is that water volumes need special care (no downhill flow, make it all level, etc) because of the extreme headache that ensues.

If someone wanted to do a mod for such a thing, they could, and if it were extremely popular, maybe that would be worth exploring. But as it stands, more trouble than its worth.

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