Hello, I was unsure where to place this topic so I just threw it in here to the general chat.
I am not sure if I am missing something in the patch notes or whatever, but yesterday I experienced something very strange.
I am playing at an official server, EU PvP-Mayham #120.
My clan have a small rivalry going on with another clan, all fun and stuff… at least it is for us.
But I logged in late yesterday only to find out that two of us were completely naked. Now we do of course have other clanmembers, all of who we know personally so we are very sure that our stuff was not just taken and then thrown to the dogs, all of which was rather valueable.
Another thing which throws that idea out of the window, is that it happened to the two of us who continued and managed to fend of the rivalry clan who continueously attempted to raid us.
But as mentioned, I logged in only to figure out that both his and my character were naked, all items gone, everything, and the strange thing is - there were no holes in either base that we have (We log out in two different bases due to the items we have.) No holes at all, not in the roofs, not in the doorways, not in the walls, not in the floor, nowhere at all, so there has been no signs of us being raided at either base, and all doors still on auto-close, so open doors have not been a problem either.
Furthermore, there are also a character on said server who have somehow reached level 61? I am not sure if it is a bug that shows that, but everyone else is either level 60 or below and only that ONE character is level 61.
I suspect something is very wrong.
I understand we are very close to official release and with that comes a wipe of the official servers, but I find this to be extremely suspicious and would like to report it but I am not sure where.