Something that was overlooked for too long

Funcom please for the sake of players/servers that dont use mods, please expand upon the character creation aspect of the game. Please let us have more options in costumization.


More hair options (both genders) more facial options (both genders) more beard options for male characters (I hear this asked for often). There really is no reason for this not to have been updated by now.


More people back me up on this so that the devs know we really want this :heart:

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Nah, worry not. This is something that often comes in here. I believe it’s on their agenda!


Man i follow this game for 5 years it hasnt changed one bit :sweat:

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Yea, but i listen something encouraging in the last stream, that’s why i said what i said.

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Do share :hushed:

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Wait, i believe @darthphysicist who did the recap will confirm!
But i am pretty certain that Dennis said something about these requests!

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Id love to be able to distinguish myself from other players on servers with no mods

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There are extra hair styles and some new faces added with Siptah, so that is not true.


If I remember correctly, there was talk about two or three devstreams ago about faces and hair, and it was being gated by changes that would also impact their ability to be modded more easily (there is some inside baseball on them not being the best datatables). So yes it could happen but there’s some under the hood stuff that needs changed before they do it if memory serves.


Thanks @Tephra, i had a memory about something like it but i couldn’t remember exactly.
Thanks a million :metal:.

Now watch the devs implement those options in the Battle Pass and Bazaar for yet another cash grab :rat: :money_mouth_face:

They just might :grimacing:.

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Id love to see more than just beards and hairs. Like, more extreme slider ranges and maybe even different body types.
Id even be happy if they just copy pasted the age of conan character creation.

Be sure :wink:.

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If it will be well priced i would pay for it but alas, like everything in the bazzar it probably wont be.

what you’re saying is completely false…go on unmodded server and create a character and see for yourself…

The number of mods that add a large selection of hair styles, and the number of mods that add little other than hair styles should give you some idea that yeah, this is what people want. And the fact that there have been quite a few number of threads on these forums begging and or demanding this over the years also would imply that as well. So what exactly was your point?

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