Sorcery is amazing!

The problem here is, and I’ve discussed this at length elsewhere, that the game is not balanced. It cannot be balanced. It’s a free-for-all sandbox where people with more time and more friends will inevitably have an advantage over people with less time and fewer friends.

Imagine an actual, literal sandbox where children play. There’s this one little guy who plays by himself, and then there’s this group of kids who play together but who don’t want to play with the one little guy. So they drive him away and kick his sandcastles down. And then they play in that sandbox for the whole day while their parents are at work, and the one little guy has nothing to do. But when the “clan” leaves the sandbox, the little guy sneaks in and kicks their sandcastles down. He’ll still not have much opportunity to play in that sandbox, but at least he got his revenge.

No, this is not the sort of playground culture I’d encourage, but it’s the sort of culture we, grown-up gamers, have on the servers.

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