Sorcery needs some improvements

Mainly in terms of spells available and how they work. You give NPCs some very good things(protective bubble, mind control, summoning phantom fighters with not so phantom damage) yet player can’t even have lightning storm target enemies, rather than being all random.

I understand, that combat sorcery doesn’t fit Conan Exiles, but it doesn’t mean, that range of utility spells should be so limited.

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Combat magic like fireballs does not fit, but combat magic as a concept absolutely fits Conan, as I’ve pointed out before:

Yet in lore shooting lightning out of your fingers is a thing. At the moment I just want players to get access to same magic, that NPCs use against us - for example, Lieu Fei can teach you his protective bubble, and dead witch at the end of Freya’s questline can give you some insight on mind control/possession magic.


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