I just began playing 3 or 4 months ago and one thing I’ve noticed in some older videos is the old spear animations look so much better than the bland poke, poke, poke, we have now. It seems they had at least a bit of cone Aoe to at least help with mobs. Out of all the weapons I feel spear’s animations are the worst. Spear is one of my favorite weapons in any game that offer them so I quickly jumped on them in Conan (as well as great hammer!). Can anyone explain why they went from a fun, exciting looking animation to a boring one? I read there might be some spears that still have the old animation but I’ve yet to encounter one. If I could find a legendary that had the old animation that would b awesome and I’ll just transmog the look.
There are definitely some of the legendary spears that have returned to the old animations (or to something like them - I’m not sure if it’s the exact same set or not). I’m sorry, but I can’t remember specifically which ones (I wonder if @Tephra or @stelagel have better memories than I).
However - it is worth noting that you will only be able to transmog them with other spears that have the same move set - the transmog has to be able to move correctly with the animation.
(There is also a third option, if you are on PC and not on officials - ‘there’s a mod for that ’. IIRC it was one of Multigun’s mods, so should still be good and stable and it reinstated the old spear animations - I can probably find it if it would be of use to you .)
This older post talks about it, even links a video showing some of the old animations: I Miss The Old Spear Light Attacks
It’s almost like they don’t understand that spears can be used in more ways than simply thrusting them at an enemy…
Every direct weapon is poke, poke, poke.
Look javelins.
Look short swords.
What they did wrong with spear on chapter 3 was to remove the flexibility this weapon had.
What i mean is simple.
If you have a short sword you can swift fast opponents while performing light attacks, hit them constantly left and right and keep them staggered.
On javelins the second is Aoe, but it has only lights and it gives window for combo breaking.
So poke, poke, poke is to keep your enemy staggered and if you think it a bit deeper, it’s not that bad it’s quite handy.
Spears need their flexibility back. Tbh i haven’t test them on chapter 4, but i can guarantee you that with a spear you could kill solo Rockslide
Yes it was this awesome to poke with spears until chapter 2.
Kingslayer Polearm
Nkosi’s Pike
Pike of Prince Kraxus
Reach of the Warrior
Spear of the Grey Ones
Warspear of the Black Circle
Thanks for the list Tephra.
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