Spell::::: Thunderstorm is too violent gg bases

@Biggins So you are telling me you’ve been in a 30 person clan in Conan from day 1 of playing the game? Not only is it highly unlikely but it just isn’t done enough to even talk about

Indeed. Had a 35 person roster on the day the game launched in May of 2018. We split into 4 clans and ran with it. Have we done this for 4 years? No. But we’ve done it. And I know others who have too. So while it may not be a common occurrence, to say it doesn’t happen or isn’t a thing is just false.

Edit: in early access, Conan allowed for 30 person in-game clan roster. It wasn’t until it launched in 2018 that they changed it to 10. So it was not uncommon for there to be large groups like ours when this game kicked off.

You are the 1%

Thank you.

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My apologies. I found the potion in the battle pass shop. It may not be included in the toolset but it isn’t modded either. Sorry for being so stubborn.

To the naysayers who say LS isn’t balanced and that it’s balanced when raiding bases that have proper honeycomb and not just a foundation wall 10x high. Here ya go: Twitch. This is a 35 minute video where I show myself building a 10x10 base where 2 layers are honeycombed with rooftop intersections. For fun, I added 4 vaults around it. I added some crafting stations, thralls (they act as lightning rod sometimes, not well enough though), and I added a large chest in the middle with 100 dp as a target raid chest.

This is the best honeycomb you can do on officials where fence stacking is banned. Fence stacking is the best honeycomb vs LS as it only hits up to 5 pieces radius out from it’s starting hit so packing as much as you can is the best option.

1 LS already hollowed out the base and hit 2 vaults for 100k damage.
4 LS finally killed the large chest in the middle that had 100 dp as the “target” chest to raid.
By the end of 5 LS you can already see the base is done and 3 vaults were killed.

Without vaults this is a minimum 60 DP raid which has quite a few resource needs. With vaults it’s anywhere from 100 dp to 144 dp depending on how you raided - either splash vault through honeycomb or individually raided the 3 vaults and did the base raid through doors.

VS 5 leather pouch… which is a mere 5 thick leather, 5 sac blood flask, 5 weathered skull, and 10 alch base.


Raw 35 min ish footage: Twitch


why is this comment the solution, god bubble does NOT protect against it. the storm can destroy the alter and the base at the same time. this is not a solution, why does this say the problem is resolved. its not. who did this?

i believe only the OP can pick a comment as resolution. i think the OP was misinformed.

fix this shit

I still think its funny, that some people are defending it!!! LOL

only troll can defend it

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