Star metal harvest impossibles

Platform: Steam
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvP
Map: Exiled Lands

2 day ““after update”” impossible harvest star metal ok it spawn but can harvest i use explosive arrow normal ok but with pick no harvest no stone no star metal pls fix.ty

You need hardened steel or better stuff to mine the ores.


ty i try now with hardeness steel and archeonian is same star metal give nothing, if continue i will do video for all see.
but ty fast reply

Acheronian actually does not work either. Don’t ask why, I also don’t know.
Hardened steel should work, black ice, black blood, star metal (heh heh, you need star metal to craft the tool to mine… star metal) and eldarium picks and pickaxes work.

No, this hasn’t been working for awhile. The downed meteors do not smoulder for me. I can find one by hitting with explosive arrow and it leaves the typical blue mound / ore. When I harvest the mound, after the 12 to 15 strikes, it crumbles away just like it should be no ore into my inventory.

You have to use a hardend steel tool or better to harvest the star metal.

Just use the “Mass Cull” spell :wink:

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