I’m a little new to this game and I’ve reached the point where I rlly need to get star metal to upgrade my gear. Where do I exactly have to stand at/or best place to be in for star metal to fall on a solo single player world? I’ve watched many videos about it but most of them are different spots and locations. I’ve also read the wiki but still I’ve been waiting quite a while and still not 1 has spawned yet Do I have to be running and walking around for it to drop? Or can I just afk at a particular spot?
AND also how long does 1 meteorite shower usually take to spawn? Some say 20mins(which I feel is bs) but most say up to an hour or more?
and also does decreasing and or increasing day/night cycle speed affect star metal spawn rates? in the admin settings?
Spawning meteor shower can be very tricky.
20 minutes is totally plausible, but it can vary. I had no luck for months, and when I got one, I got two (2!!!) another within 2 hours…so 1,5 meteor shower/hour.
Your best bet is killing dudes in Mounds of the dead and Stargazer’s crest, rhose spots are well within the spawn range, and yoi have a high chance to get ores and star metal weapons!
Or slay legendary creatures for their chests to dismantle legendaries, if you are over level 60.
Fix map rooms. So if you have a map room up there you can visit often to check if you have star metal ores to farm and come back. I wish you were playing in Playstation so I would jump to give you a tour how to check fast. However @Wak4863 has really nice videos with star metal farming.
Don’t forget the mount of the dead. The star metal ores start from there until the plateau before the frost keep. To the root of the hill that you learn Ymir religion, you follow the path until the frost keep. Check very well the sides of the mountain on the way.
Last but not least is the low level fighter trick to the mount of the dead. You slave low level fighters, they spawn with star metal weapons , you take the weapons and brake bonds .
No, that doesn’t work in single player. To get a meteor shower your character must stay in the spawn area because as soon as you leave it the timer and the RNG both reset.
As for how long it takes for a meteor shower to spawn… Well, from less than 1 hour to more than 6 hours. It depends of the f*****g RNG. I got one after less than hour in the spawn area once. I visited the Outcast to get the Ymir altar then climbed higher to collect black ice and the meteor shower happened while I was going down. I didn’t count the time I spent there but I’m sure it was less than 1 hour.
I’ve got another meteor shower after spending a little more than 3 hours in the spawn area. But I never found where the meteors felt. I was fighting a few sabertooths and wolves and a big elk and a mammoth, so I couldn’t really watch the meteor shower. The time it took to run away from that fight and not being chased by the sabertooths and wolves, wasn’t sure where the meteors felt exactly. I searched for one good hour before giving up.
Other than that I usually spawn starmetal from the admin panel when I play single player games. I used to do that for named thrall too. Because when you needed a particular T4 thrall for his / her crafting recipes, the way the RNG works in single player game made them very very difficult to find on the EL map. Now with all T4 crafters having the same recipes, when they have some, it doesn’t which one you take. Thrall hunting has become a lot more easier.
@Wolfrider4594 My personal experience comes from console, not pc. I played more than 6 months single player both decadent and barbaric before I join online servers . I have seen more Meteor showers than 10 players together, it sounds like ego, but it’s not. I find it a bit rude to cancel other people’s experiences, we all have our ways and all of them are respectful and must be. Especially in exile lands I farm star metal from day 2. Believe it or not, your problem not mine, I am not a warrior I am a farmer, this is what I do great in this game.
@stelagel please share more on your method my friend - my experience is more like what Wolfrider describes - I find it difficult to find star metal (in single player). I always place a map room up near the Frost temple, but that does not seem to help me (I recently waited for more than four hours, with no meteors at all) - and my current game I travel there every day, but almost never see meteors. In fact, the only time I ever saw a lot of meteors was my first game, when I built in the wrong place, twice… Both buildings got hit by meteors… If building a sacrificial castle in the middle of the frozen slopes is what it takes, I’ll do it Maybe they just need a target.
(As you say, I can get some by thralling low level Cimmerians, or by dismantling legendary weapons, which is generally enough for the fridges I need, but I’d really like to be able to farm proper meteors a bit more often - so any advice you can offer would be great )
@DanQuixote , The best method is to actually fix a little base on North of the mount of the dead. If you are endgame player, you surely want every single thing this place provides.
The advantages of building and farming around is that you will see or listen every meteor shower.
You will get a cimmerian Berserker purge that is one of the most vicious purges of the game, a REAL purge.
The loot is like Siptah, reach and worthy.
Another way is to build on the frost land, the purge there is mostly by cimmerian beast tamers and I have to say that (maybe coincidence) my 2 only times that I got purge armorer was this place, nowhere else .
Cimmerian beast tamers is very balanced purge and you can handle it with a thrall, the dragon in the end is tricky , but I think you can handle that too
If however you decide not to build there, you can try this.
Go and farm a bit outside the barrow king the blue skeletons, I had to many times Meteor showers farming this point. Then take the path of Ymir religion from the mountains, for me this path from the mountain frozen path is one of my most relaxing walks of the game, walking this path I had a fair amount of meteor showers too. If I do all these and still don’t have a meteor shower I enter the frost keep to loot it and lvl up my thrall. In the exit most of the times I founded spawns of meteors.
Yet I guarantee that when I play single player, using the map room from times to times I founded single spawns of meteors around the area, but single spawns or maybe 2, that’s it. If however you manage a meteor shower do not stop only in the frost keep area, take the path from the mountains, check the sides of the mount too and you will find so many spawns you won’t actually need to farm star metal again .
Thank you for your support, I really hope rng will be with you
Stelagel is a farmers farmer a gathering machine indeed. I have played with him on official pve.
I miss when you didn’t need to be in area to have meteor showers trigger in SP. It was nice to see them go through the sky while building a base near Hand of the Maker.
Here is an interactive map of the exiled lands
An invaluable tool to help in locating star metal or anything else you may need in EL
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