Steam deluxe edition music and desktop gamer rules file location?

I searched for these files which are supposed to come with the deluxe edition on Steam, but was unable to locate them. Please post the file location.

Ran into this same issue.

Same issue here. I went through the folders but no deluxe items to be found anywhere. It shows that I have the deluxe DLC installed on steam already too

Could it be that it will be added on the 4th?

I think that’s the case, actually.

Seem odd that they would do it that way (afterall you part of the added $20 you are ponying up is for early access to content right?) but I’ll check back on the 4th.

I’ve no Deluxe content too.
And I am surprised about the Steam DLC prompt about the Deluxe update which I could buy. I already bought the Deluxe Version so Steam should prompt a message like “you own this game” - but no.

Will the game version be updated with december the 4th? Or did I got the wrong key from the Xsolla support? I needed Xsolla to write me the code in a support mail as I got no mail after the purchase.

I bought Digital Deluxe edition via Steam store. You should have “Digital Deluxe DLC” listed in your Steam’s window of the game.

Its should look like this - hXXps://
(Replace XX with tt)

Otherwise you got normal version of the game.

As ppl said it here, i guess that Digital Deluxe content (music, wallpaper and RPG book) gets unlocked on game’s release date, December 4th, as its in no way interacting with the game nor it adds anything ingame.

Won’t be the first time I wasted twenty bucks (or at least largely wasted it.) It probably won’t be the last either, but it won’t be by paying $20 extra for any digital deluxe versions of titles from this developer.

Yea, felt a bit letdown my self too, i bought Deluxe for that Digital RPG book, not quite interested in the rest of the content. As i said, it would probably be available on official launch, its just annoying to wait.

Thanks for the screenshot! No, I have no “Digital Deluxe DLC” in my list. So I got the wrong Steam code, after four messages with the support of Xsolla. I’ve to admit it gets a bit annoying.

Keep in mind that this is a screenshot of PC Steam version, im not quite sure how PSX version works.
But yea, its a bit odd, i also see it as possible update even so my game says that i already have it in my library.


Yeah thanks. But I bought the game as a PC Steam version. I contacted Xsolla now for the fifth time. Hopefully I get my correct key (/upgrade key) now.

According to this. Should receive the items on the official launch date. :+1:

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i bought the deluxe version and its already december 4 where i am, and i dont know if i am going to recieve an email with a code or in steam will give us the extra things we bought?

Steam just updated game and downloaded Deluxe “DLC” content. You can find it inside you install folder of the game. (RMB on game in library - properties - local files - browse local files).