Steel and Razer Arrow Bug

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Private
Server Type: PvP
Map: Isle of Siptah
Server Name: Wandering Isles
Mods: None

Bug Description:

Steel and Razer Arrows will not fire on any bow. All other arrows I’ve tried seem to work fine. Arrows will slot into the bow, and the character does the correct animation, but the ammunition does not deplete and the arrow does not leave the bow. Flint, Iron, Bone, and Hardened steel arrows all function normally.

Bug Reproduction:
Attempted to use Steel and Razer arrows

Are you using the arrows on your hotbar in this fashion like 6 and 7 there?
If so, that’s a known bug, if you drag those back to your inventory and manually slot them by dragging over the bow it should work.

Yes, that lets them fire, thanks!

I guess no switching arrows for me then? I have never had this issue in years of playing conan…did this start with 3.0?

I think this is older, I recall having it before 3.0 though I haven’t tried it for a while till now.
What I do though when I have to use stuff like poison / healing arrows is just carry an extra bow, maybe with the light upgrade (damage doesn’t matter on that anyway) and then put that on the actionbar loaded with the proper arrow and then I just switch bows :stuck_out_tongue:

u can also right click the arrow stack in ur inventory to your equipped bow

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When you hit a enemy with the Razor arrows, are yours applying the bleed effect? I’ve noticed mine do not, on a fresh server install. Asking here on the post as it applies to the Razor arrows.

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