Still freezing in camp ps4

Me an my wife play togther me on my ps4pro her on her ps4 I suffer Alotta frame rate drops her as well since last patch it’s worse but she is still getting freeze crash an blue screen but only in our camp. So bad we have had to build her a small house next to camp til this is some how resolved know ur busy funcom but please help with this make it a priority if u can we both love this game thank u for whatever u can do for us

I’m also get blue screen and freeze crash on my Ps4 pro

to Funcom
go ask sony for help to optimizer the game

I mean it a fun game but at the same time it not fun when you keep get blue screen and freeze crash.

My wife’s on just a regular ps4 but she can do anything in the game just fine she goes to our camp she has 5 to 20 mins in camp she frozen an crashes to blue screen we have been making the reports

Similar in my case. My wife and I do have same PS4 1tb model, but she rarely crashes, by my side I do crash at least once per day. What is it happening? well, to be fair I play more than her, I’m get used to play when I get home, after eating, while she is sleeping the siesta. Also, she has bought the Ps4 just to play Conan with me (pretty new), while I have it since 2017, with several games installed.
Thank god I do not like much the Pvp, and I prefer to be in PVE or PVE conflict, so the crash isn’t something bothering me actually. It just happened once that my crash put my screen on black, and the PS4 doing strange noise, after that it resets itself and bring a error report.
What I do is to send a clip everytime to Sony, hoping that their quality team do something with this issues, but to be realistic, I don’t believe that Fucom or either Sony would change that, and we must to learn live with it.

Yeah I hear u just cross our fingers hope funcom can figure it out good luck to u guys home it gets fixed for y’all aswell

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Thank you @Chaos31469,
I will keep my faith too, but the problem here is that the PS4 may lack on memory to run the game for long. Why then is the game available for PS4? Funcom information to Sony to sell the game? Sony pressing over Funcom to have the game? Sony not taking any care about the console adaptation? None of those and I’m absolutely wrong? XDD, and that’s my fear actually, that both of them wash their hands and no solution would be brought to us.
Another thing is the PS4 pro, it should run the game without this issue, but as you told it is happening.
I wish you the best, have fun mate :wink:

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it not ps4 lack on memory if xbox can do it ps4 should be the same.
The game is port from PC and it not really optimizer for it I mean look and MMO on ps4 FF14 that is way bigger then conan exiles and server have over 5,000 peoples with no lag so it down to funcom to start optimizer it for PS4


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