I hit you guys up a couple months ago about our clan Mercenaries Inc. on the private server Temple of Nite not having a leader. We can do nothing with our clan and our officer that is stuck and cannot leave the clan or create a new character wants to leave the clan and go solo. However he is stuck. Have you guys found a way to fix our clan situation yet? We really need to get this fixed so we can continue to grow our clan and not lose everything attached to it. Also its not fair for our friend to not be able to recreate his character because of this glitch.
just an idea … dont know if it will work … all leave the clan until only 1 remains (the stuck officer). the rest of you create a new clan and offer a merge to the single player clan (the one with the officer). once you merge his property will become yours but he can then leave and be free. i have not personally tested this:
So, let me see if I get this straight if he is the last person in the clan then he can leave the clan and he retains ownership over all the stuff in the clan? And still has access to all the bases and stuff?
We tried to do all that today and it did not work he cannot leave the clan he is stuck.
He cannot because he is not the leader he is stuck as just an officer regardless of no one In the clan.
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