They block obelisks, but are releasing people if they ask? Why did they even block it then??
It’s better to not ask, believe me xD
The same for me. Even if they let me pass, it is really annoying. So a teleport back option should be really nice.
But i disagree about blocking ALL resources. While it can be good for a clan war perspective, it’s really bad for the player that have nothing to do with it. It’s fine to block the better resource area, but do they need to block all resource areas? Even the bad ones?
Regular players will always suffer with these actions
I built in a location rich with resources that take about 2 minutes to walk too. I dont ever take obilisks because the 30 second delay from loading in can be a death sentence on PVP if you have campers.
I play on PVE c now but cant shake this mentality. The map is small enough that you really don’t need them anyways.
Sure there is the volcano. But in all my time playing there is only 1 reason to go there. For serpent man stuff. Maybe gold stone to feed baby rocknoses until you get 3 gold rocknoses and then they poop gold.
Otherwise there is really no need to teleport.
No reason to go to the swungle at all. I cant think of a reason to even teleport there.
Overall obis are ok. But I just avoid them in general
The map isn’t that big, for sure, but some places take 20 minutes to go and return, so it’s like 40 minute, near one hour. Not everyone can waste an entire hour. Using teleport is just 20 minutes to go back, and that saves half the time.
And here I am just remembering the days befor the obelisks where put in to the game… I forgot how we ever got around the map to do anything
Power trip. Comes from having too little control over your actual life
If you just let me in 1x for serpent man recipes, we could co-exist and never see each other.
I’m frankly surprised you’d do this much less admit to it. Isn’t blocking access to the items required to complete the game on the short list of acts Funcom will ban for?
shouldn’t be on PvP imo. U want in, bring bombs
Gotcha, I know on PvP someone could always pack a 50 Enc full of bombs, but wasn’t sure if that was factored into their policies or not. I’m thinking it must if you’ve conversed with them about it before. (Obvoiusly folks stranded in the starting area can’t make bombs no matter what level they are so I get that being non-negotiable.)
We have decay bandits who show up every once in a while to try stuff. Any of the vets still on the server not watching his decay had better not have any assembled bombs, but it’s happened in the past. Zero-G’s wall is imposing, and he lets you through easily enough, it’s well-marked and identified. Then, once you’ve touched the stele, unless you dig glass there’s no reason to go back up. To me, it raises an important question to an attacker/invader: “is it worth going to war in order to obtain Serpent-Man?”
(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)
It would help if there weren’t two identical topics:
I get that. But with my PVP mindset I cant justify getting killes on a 30 second load delay. I get the annoyance but I dont feed the trolls either.
I’m not going to validate to the griefers that they are ruining my time. It just fuels them.
So I go about my business and they get bored and leave.
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