I read in someone else’s post about a clan that did such a thing and that Funcom would infact step in in the even of someone preventing another from playing the game. I am asking for support as the clan Trash Cans Unite has long been in violation, despite my recent removal of many of their obelisk traps.
Would upload images but new users are not allowed to?
At this point with the game constantly crashing, nothing working as it should a basic feature of travel within the game being allowed to be built on I really want my money back. Hope that funcom can rectify this at least.
The best idea would be for you to gather others if possible and make some explosives to break down that wall as what materials is it made out of that is blocking the obelisk? As I for one as I usually say would never block one off as it is just a big risk if you don`t have a dancer due to the corruption.
Agreed just blow it up and i wont lie my clan has built a 1 foundation high wall around the middle jungle obelisk just to help players from beening killed by the panthers their when in the load screen, but no fully blocking access is just asking for it to be raided like.
Instead coming here and start crying about a clan blocking an obelesik IN A PVP SERVER why you dont blow it? Grow up dude… Block obelisks in PVP is a natural tactic, if you cant deal with this go to PVE server
See the issue zether is having… Is that we (Trash Cans Unite) wiped her off the server for bad mouthing the alpha on multiple occasions. It’s pretty cute though that you went to this extent to cry about it We blocked the ob because it was being used by people who were trying to raid a base of ours recently. Come try and blow it up if you have an issue. It is a pvp server after all. Maybe next time don’t talk when you can’t back it up. And destroyed multiple things of ours? We had open bars at the other obs that were decayed. Well played
Weekendins here, I blocked that obelisk to keep people with bombs from making it close to my base so quickly. If you got a problem with it blow it up. Just like I heard you were bragging about decaying some of our old bases, we came over and evicted you with our bombs. It’s pvp, if you and your husband can’t handle it, go play another game or start a private server.
This. Made. My. Day.
'Sup gang, another Trash Can here!
First, she tried to use her gender to get pity out of us for attacking her. Well, I’m a girl too, shame on you. Why did we attack her clan? Because she was talking crap to everyone on the server about us, trying to get them to rally up. Which is fine, have at it. Second, let me mention the thralls that were killed with your name in our event log. And third, how you were bragging to everyone that you were decaying our bases. Again, have at it. Those obelisk “traps” you decayed were all open bars with dancers for the entire server to enjoy and benefit from. It’s fine though, I’ll just rebuild them within a days time anyways. But if you didn’t expect a retaliation from an alpha that has been holding that server down for 6 months, then I’m honored we were the ones to teach you that lesson. Welcome to PVP, girl.
Okay thats another level.
Actually we had the same happen on 1153, but the clan who did this was rumored to be hired for doing this.
They provoked by raiding someone while that one was helping with raiding some idiots who spouted nonsense. (Yep, lots of germans on the server and they indiscriminately called every german a nazi… Lots were pissed so those guys got raided.)
The bad thing is that the servers alpha wasnt really into the game anymore as it seems looking back, because they played different games even during raid times.
So when those guys who provoked by raiding an ally of said alpha, the alphas leader got angry and told them to back off or they would be purged from the server otherwise. (There was some previous story about this though, the attacked one has been said to have raided them first…)
After that incident, they started to get other allies of said alpha to stay still instead of helping them.
Unfortunately said alpha was so much invested with playing other games, that the other clan could easily raid them. After having raided the alpha, the alpha wanted to strike back, utilizing anyone interested in helping them. But it was done withough thinking about it first, so it was an online raid, with them fully prepared to defend.
The next day they started guerilla attacks on the alpha, slowly damaging the place, always running in with a few bombs then kill themselves. That day they too started blocking all interesting obelisks as much as possible, though a few of us tried to counter block the remaining obelisks -> only blocking land, not the actualy obelisks. So the whole server suffered.
But even with that, everyone just quit. The alpha couldnt really get back up, because the members were accusing each other instead of working together to build a new, more safe base.
In the end, the alpha disbanded and went off playing other games and the attackers disbanded as well (which contributed to the rumor), but leaving everything to a grieferclan which was defeated and hunted down by the previous alpha before that.
Originally we intended to go back on the server, but well… We already started anew on another server. This experience had teached us well not to build in a way that we would “depend” on a blockable obelisk. I guess that finger near the sinkhole is now even more precious than it was before.