This is how you stop obelisk griefers

By creating a system of portable obelisks, the map room could be adapted to this new system.
Players could manufacture their own obelisks, only visible to the owner.
The obelisks could be moved but there would be a limited amount.
The current obelisks may contain recipes.
This could stop obelisk griefers but also add a new dynamic to the game.
The new map rooms would work according to the location of each player’s obelisks, they would no longer be public

The only issue i see that could crop up, is that people would put obelisk inside there bases. thus one could teleport directly inside there base on PVP and not have to run the loot back. So offline raiding would be break in, grab stuff, port out to safety. And they could put a port as close as possible to the base they are raiding. And would be basically porting back and forth with no time, making offline raiding super effective.

Part of a raid is having to manage the inventory you do loot and get it back and forth to safety. Scoop,search,drop,scoop,search until full of good loot at least slows it down a notch.

How to stop obelisk griefers?
Dont use them.

Thing is, this still puts the party which opposes the obelisk griefers at a huge disadvantage if they arent anywhere near the brimstone sea or a good hunting ground for hide…
Thus blocking obelisks is a huge problem when trying to face those people.

Thats the thing about dominating, if you claim the area around the obelisk, doing so you prevent griefers, unless they’re determined enough to wipe the whole thing depending on how big and tier you built.

Yet, you have 10 locations in the game you need to be one time at least the next every single week of your life to make sure no one will mess with obelisks, so yeah, power comes with duty and hard job, want to be the King? Work for it.

I think the decay timer could work with time played too, because this way, it would reward very active players, the more you play, the more time you get to decay.

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I don’t play pvp and haven’t need on a server where people grief obelisks but I think there are a couple of solutions that might work better. One would be code that seeks a direct path in all directions to and from the obelisk within 200 or so foundation lengths. If no direct path is found the structure blocking it would be destroyed. The second option would be to just have a certain distance from the obelisk not buildable making blocking it not worth the resources required to do it. A mixture of both may be the best solution.

as far as PVP, blocking obelisks is not really griefing, but tactical building. And the PVP officials have a way to combat this…blow it up if you don;t like it. PVE-C/PVE is another story. If someone is blocking obelisks, then they are doing so only because they can. Which is just plain trolling. So no matter how far apart you make the claim area, they will do it…because they can and it annoys people.
the different directions idea has come up before. there should be an invisible (or maybe terrain wise a “road”) thether between obelisks that are no builds.
something like this to minize killing building areas everywher, yet create a symblance of protecting obelisks, at least in PVE/PVE-C

as far as PVP, blocking obelisks is not really griefing, but tactical building. And the PVP officials have a way to combat this…blow it up if you don;t like it. PVE-C/PVE is another story. If someone is blocking obelisks, then they are doing so only because they can. Which is just plain trolling. So no matter how far apart you make the claim area, they will do it…because they can and it annoys people.
the different directions idea has come up before. there should be an invisible (or maybe terrain wise a “road”) tether between obelisks that are no builds.

Could make it so you can only have an open ended structure at an obilisk.
Meaning you could not complete a circle or square around it.
The building system could detect that the completion of a circle or square would encircle an obilisk and not allow placement of the final piece.
Not ideal but it would leave a gap to escape through.

Or bombs. Lots and lot of bombs. Glorious numbers of bombs.

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