If they weren’t going to make money off of BRAND NEW pieces, guess what would have happened?
They wouldn’t have bothered to make them.
The entitlement is real.
If they weren’t going to make money off of BRAND NEW pieces, guess what would have happened?
They wouldn’t have bothered to make them.
The entitlement is real.
Why? I understand you have a feeling for this but what is the logic behind it?
Make sure you get your welcome package at the next meeting.
Because it’s confusing as hell for new upcoming players. If a new player 1year or even 1 month from now goes to another players camp and sees all those new fancy stormglass pieces they will think it’s all part of the original Sipta DLC stormglass set. So when they go to buy the Sipta DLC only to be massively disappointed and feel ripped off when half the building set is missing and that it’s a different micro DLC altogether it’s just gonna be more pointless threads and abuse.
I do understand they are new building pieces that didn’t exist back in the day and are now being sold separately as new assets to support the game I understand That’s why I bought them it’s just that new assets for a DLC item should stay with the DLC.
Now have I said DLC enough or should I say it some more.
So let me see if I got that logic, by examining a hypothetical situation:
Let’s say that a new set of building pieces shows up in Black Lotus Bazaar tomorrow, called “Polished Mahogany Tiles”. It has only the following 4 pieces: Polished Mahogany Foundation, Polished Mahogany Wedge Foundation, Polished Mahogany Ceiling, and Polished Mahogany Wedge.
Let’s also suppose that it’s both cheap and attractive enough that a lot of players buy it. So, since it’s popular, Funcom has a bright idea to make new pieces for the set: Polished Mahogany Pillar, Polished Mahogany Door Frame, Polished Mahogany Door, and Polished Mahogany Interior Wall.
By your logic, they should not put these pieces in a separate set and sell it in the Bazaar. They already released one Polished Mahogany set, so any new pieces must be added to the existing set for free. They can never sell another Polished Mahogany set, ever.
Did I get that right?
You do realize that if a “new upcoming player” buys any content – be it DLC or a Bazaar offering – without getting informed, it’s their own damn fault if they don’t get what they assumed they would get?
Bear in mind that we’re not talking about misleading descriptions, like when Funcom wrote descriptions for Bazaar items that lead people to believe they were buying storage containers. I can understand being upset over that.
But buying a whole damn DLC without checking what you’re buying, when detailed information is freely available? That’s just irresponsible.
By this logic, because we already bought the game, any new features they add to the game should be free. Imagine a new player watching a video or stream of actual game footage, and they see all these shiny building pieces and decorations. Then they buy the base game and are oh so terribly disappointed that the base game didn’t include all those shiny decorations.
I mean, don’t get me wrong. I love free new stuff. I welcome free new stuff. If there was a realistic choice between free new stuff and paid new stuff of equal quality, I’d pick free ten times out of ten. Most of us probably would.
But creating new stuff - even if it’s a derivative of old stuff - requires time and money. Just look at James Cameron’s Avatar sequel. It simply expands on the original movie’s lore and stuff, so why does it cost hundreds of millions of dollars to make it? Why should we, who paid to see the original, have to pay to see the sequel since it’s just the same, but more?
I can see that train of thought. But there is too much what if in it. For instance, you stopped there assumption at just the dlc, what if they assumed it was part of the base game? Imagine their disappointment to recognize that all of these wonderful cultural buildings are locked behind a paywall of dlc content. Does this disappointment mean they should get this all for free? Yep there will be some folks just disappointed. You can’t please everyone in the value proposition but any new content has a cost associated with it and therefore that has to be moved to the consumer in some fashion or form. What you are asking for (DLC purchase covers original and all future additions within that DLC) would put Siptah in a $60-80 expansion so that the initial investment of the DLC purchase can fuel future development.
No kick back. The videos are not meant to “sell” more dlc but to give you a good look at what’s actually there. I make money from Ads on YouTube and this is a way for me to reinvest some of that money in the community. Know before you buy kind of thing.
Then it’s @den and team’s fault.
I feel like the way they worded it on the live stream was misleading (saying we will be adding to already existing designs in the future ) . But it still shouldnt be free . Funcom need the money to make more pve tents for the funcom forum warriors to buy
I still think a nice idea (if more building sets like these are coming out) is a DLC season pass to have all the additional pieces as they come out. Something like $40 sounds reasonable for that considering there are over 15 different building sets out there.
Yeah , or they actually make bundles worth the cost .
Yea I see your point you can’t please everybody players just don’t research the games before they buy anymore it’s straight to the reviews so they can blame others if the game doesn’t meet their expectations.
I myself watch YouTube vids on the games I find interesting and if i like the gameplay I’ll consider buying the game.
Tho I suppose the new Stormglass set are new peace’s They probably should come with a price but I still believe they should stay with the Siptah DLC maybe after the Bazza has expired them Funcom should add it to the Siptah DLC to promote the expansion adding more content would pursway more players to buy the Siptah DLC.
Perhaps a good middle ground is a price increase of the Siptah DLC with inclusion of the new pieces for new purchasers. Anyone who already owns the DLC wouldn’t automatically get the parts, but would have the option to pay the additional coins to gain access to the parts. Though this system would require some UI changes either with the BLB or store page.
@CodeMage also has a good point about an uninformed new player assuming about what they get access to. The same issue happens with mods. A player might see a build either on the forums, YouTube, etc. and think some placeables or building pieces are either vanilla or part of a DLC. They’ll then be disappointed if they play on console or official servers only.
Or make a Siptah Deluxe Edition DLC with a clear explanation and list of differences between standard and deluxe editions. Other game companies do similar solutions. Then those who want to just enjoy the new map without the building pieces wouldn’t have to pay extra, they could pick the Standard Edition.
I am not sure if Funcom would be allowed to change majorly content of a Dlc after releasing it on Steam. Valve has a broad set of rules for content creators that determines what is and isn´t allowed to do on steam. There is a reason why the old dlc´s arent included in the bazar.
Yes, this would be possible. But if they would do that, Valve would take their “not so small” share. And Funcom/Tencent have the bazar so they can make their own pricing and discounts. So in other words, to get Valves hand out of their pockets. With the bazar items they are not obliged to participate in any Steam “events” and/or “sales”. They can literally sell their items whenever for whatever price they see fit. This wouldn´t be possible on Steam.
I agree with most of the posts here.
There are plenty of dlcs that have pieces that the previous one didn’t. Those are pieces that would more likely fall under the OP argument.
However these are completely new unique pieces.
To those posters I am in line with, what abaout a situation like the current “workers wall paints” package. It is clearly missing a few obvious markers such as alchemy. Should we be ok with those showing up in a later bundle for yet an additional costs?
I disagree.
You can comfortably play with the pieces you have now. Expecting that the new ones just add up to your collection just because you paid for the content before is nonsense.
You paid for the content that was already here. You did not pay for something what may come in future.
The cost of the Sanctum set is kinda ok, compared to the other single items in Bazaar. I think that more discounts could do in this matter, so people are more prone to buy it without feeling robbed of whatever they feel should be theirs right now, in this matter.
Scratch that! The Wallet Warriors need to defend buying that toilet purchase!