I’ve tried all the tricks new and old but still rubber band back to spot i spawn at. PVE private server,stuck to my bed…
Were you laying in bed? Because that can still kill you. If you were and didnt die you may be caught in it. Take off bracelet is all i know.
Tried it. Ty tho
It might be useful if you provide some technical details like connection type, console model, server ping etc.
However, if you don’t experience the same issue on official servers, I believe you might need to contact G-Portal directly.
Have you tried having someone kick your character? It used to work way back but probably not anymore.
It’s like the obolisk glitch we had a while back. Crouching and or inventory trick doesn’t work. Frustrating.
Kill your self go to broken road if you are still rubber bands then get better internet
Hahaha I remember that!
Thanks for the advice. Waiting on clearance for my satellite, should be any day now.
So removing/destroying bed is a no go then?
Nope. I believe it’s a server issue. No one else can play either.
That sucks, hope it get resolved
New server owner didn’t know about restart button. All is well
Glad it got sorted out
Nightly restarts fixed rubber banding issues on my old server. Glad the owner figured it out.
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