Stuck inside an animal

Help, I’m stuck inside somebody else’s invisible rhino. I was just walking around, saw somebody else’s animals at what looks like where a base was once before, when i bumped into this invisible rhino, and now I’m freaking stuck/trapped inside it…

Besides having tried to log out twice now in the hope to get loose again,which failed of course, i will try to take off the arm thingy to die and run back to hopefully collect my lootbag. I just hope this works and i get all my stuff back. If not, i have taken screen shots for y’all to compensate me since this a total game breaking bug which i had no fault of on my own.

Kind regards

(ps5, server 3020, Exiled Lands)

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After I got done LMAO, because you know where my head went :rofl:

Then I read this

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: :smile: :joy: :rofl: :flushed: oops.

Sorry, but ya. Not going to be any compensation. Look around the forum, some have lost far more then what they had on them since the new age hit.


Of course i don’t get compensation, but Fucnom doesn’t know that yet… :man_facepalming:t2:

Btw, i hope your head doesn’t get stuck inside the wrong end of that rhino, cause mine didn’t loool.

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I really wish your toon had mouth closed :rofl::rofl::rofl:.
Yes this s…t exists. Not so often but still exists. If it’s not an issue, carry a katana with you.
The older trick to avoid these situations still works.

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Yeah, ye old “carry a katana with you at all times” solution hahaha, and i always forget about that one.

I should actually go back there and try it out hahaha. :crazy_face:

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If you ever stuck in your horse or someone else 's mount, be sure to have a katana sword with you and do it’s special.

The move will get you out.

If you ever get stuck in any animal, the first thing to try is to Kick.
For your own pets/horses, this only works if you have PvP enabled though (friendly fire)

I can’t remember how many times I got off my horse in a tight spot, and I had to kick him away to get unstuck :notlikethis:

Thanks, but how do you mean “have PvP enabled”? I am on a PvE server…

Well, on a PvE server you simply do not have PvP enabled ^^;

But what I mean is that, if this option is ticked, you can hit your own followers and thus kick them out of the way. On PvE servers this is disabled and thus kicking them will do nothing :+1:

Figured as much, but thanks for clearing that up. :slight_smile:

I got out of it by simply removing the bracelet and hope for the best, and i got “rewarded” because my lootbag was normally accessible, but i just wanted to notify funcom and the community about this because it’s super annoying.

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