Hello people, I want share ideas about creation of new DLCs for the game. Following the same style of the current DLCs, inspired in other Conan realms,.
Stygia - I think its must be amazing. Stygia is a egyptian style cvilization, land of wizards and sorceros, with a culture unique and exotic. Piramids, temples, snakes… maybe new pets like giant snakes, wepons like kopesh style sword, and bulding pieces style old egyptian style.
Shem - Shem is a land of city states and deserts in eastern place. a civilization like ancient assyrian, babylonians, jewes culture. a lot idols statues, nomads tribes of desert…mesopotamian style building pieces…
other ideas…
Nordheim - Vikings style.
Barachan Isles - Pirates…
Hirkania - nomad riders mongolian style
Vendhya - ancient India cvilization style.
Kush and Black kingdons - primitive african tribes styles, and the amazons too
Zingara - latin iberic styles… corsairs, pirates, riders, swordfights, …
Hiperborea - a barbarian kingdon in the north, very dark and cold, land of witches, slavers and savage warriors. stones castles, monsters, snow, cold… you understand.
Cymmeria - yes, the land of Conan. celtic look like culture.
Just same ideas…
I really want see a DLC about Stygia and Shem.