Suggestion: Another Fruity Idea šŸ„„

Greetings good peoples! While this may be new to some, many forum mainstays may remember back when I, and also later @Bodin suggested that Funcom add some fruit trees into the game to compliment berries, which seemed kind of lonely. :blueberries:

But sadly, aside from the lemon tree available on the BLB, these calls have gone unrealized. BUT what if I were to suggest we could add at least 2 new fruits right now, by making them drops from existing nodesā€¦? So follow me as I suggest Coconuts & Prickly Pear Fruit. :coconut: :mango:


Cocnuts are known to grow on one type of palm tree. Fortunately we have no shortage of palm trees in Conan Exiles, and two variations of them at that. Now wouldnt it be nice if when we chopped down a palm tree, we had a chance of harvesting a nice bountiful Coconut too?



Prickly Pears

While they may be a ermā€¦prick to peel, a prickly pear fruit could nourish a hungry Exile. Now these could have a chance to drop from the large cactus variety which we also see dotted around the landscape. Aside from cochineal, they just offer plain old wood. And if one looks closely, they already look to be bearing prickly pear fruit, which presents a delicious opportunity.

prickly pear 2

prickly pear1

TL/DR: please add Coconuts & Prickly Pear Fruit to the game, and make them a chance to drop from palm trees and cacti respectively.


My good m8 this could be something that is not dlc no pay to win just added to drops canā€™t keep up with things npcs are dropping need a bearer with you. @Croms_Faithful


My thoughts exactly Sestus! Everyone could benefit and enjoy. And hypothetically speaking, if Funcom were to use the existing palm and prickly pear trees, they wouldnā€™t even need to add new trees, just a new drop for each of them.

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Could add duran fruit :nauseated_face::face_vomiting:

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I see you up there @Bodin! :wink: Any thoughts? It may not be how either of us envisioned it, would be a start at least.

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Never tasted it actually Lucidique. Perhaps it could make player emit a cloud of noxious poison gas as a timed buff. :laughing:

Iā€™ve wanted prickly pears in this game since the first time I chopped a cactus and was disappointed to not get any.


I suggested coconuts back when Funcom was telling us we couldnā€™t have horses. Now that we have horses I donā€™t need coconuts anymore.

But because I like Croms_Faithful Iā€™m willing to support his cause so he can have all the coconuts he wants.


Well, Coconut Palm trees would be good for the tropical areas. However, the delicacy best known in Middle Eastern areas is the Date Palm. Dates grow like a cluster of grapes from palm trees and can be eaten raw or dried (like we do for berries) and are used for making cakes and and fruit pies and so forth. So, I would do Coconut Palms along shores and Date Palms further inland in the drier areas. Fig trees or Olive trees would also be good additions for the dry climate inland areas.

If weā€™re looking to the colder biomes, then Iā€™d add apple trees to the regions of Nordheimer and Cimmerian zones. Red, yellow, and green apples which can be eaten raw or used in recipes for apple pies and so forth.

For the jungle areas, Iā€™d go with the traditional banana plant. It would also be a delicacy guarded by the gorillas there. Maybe add Cacao trees for making ā€œchocolateā€ for the RP crowd.

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Might I also suggest palm trees as placeables as well? As someone who frequently builds in the islands and likes to have cool shanty towns and stuff, Itā€™s a bit frustrating when a tree I like in the area disappears. Iā€™d rather not place a cypress or lemon tree. I just doesnā€™t look good. The different sized palms are really nice and perfect.

Keep in mind that the desert in the Exiled Lands was created artificially and used to be fertile land in the time of the Giant-kings. The desert flora weā€™ve currently got has to have been introduced fairly recently and a full diversity of plants should not be expected.

However, the cacti obviously have prickly pears growing on them as you can plainly see them, so those, at least, should be added.

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I believe we have short banana trees too. We have this type in Crete, short banana trees. Itā€™s the ones you get the vines. We could have grapes as well. But i donā€™t see them added in the game, however i can dream with you my friends and ask them why not :hugs:.


Then I say the time for us to stand up and request succulence has come. I actually recall the first time I ever tried to harvest one of those prickly pear cactusā€™. I was expecting to gain a prickly pear fruit or some cactus pulp. Then when I got wood, my response would have been somewhere along the lines of ā€˜whaaaatā€¦ā€™. Well that is weird.

Whoa there, lets not lose sight of ourselves at this suggestion. :wink: We could still benefit feom two hollowed out coconut shells, potentially even an emote to clap them together.



Lovely pair of coconuts


You put the lime in the coconut!!


Iā€™m for this, but itā€™ll also give me Stranded Deep vibes.

I think by now we should have more food options. The rations are a welcome start.


I like that. Could be good.

I would also like big planters for trees, and realistic cropsā€¦
Letā€™s be honest, berries, leavening, hops ā€¦ they are ok, but where is wheat ? Where are tomatoes, potatoes, carrots ?

We have them in the (extremely expensive) market stall, but they do not exist in game as food.


Brilliant idea, i also second the @stelagelā€™s idea of having bananas and grapes as well, because for those we also donā€™t need any new trees.

I would just add one little request in this matter:
Let it not be just the drop bonus in edible fruit, but also few visible fruit ā€œnodesā€ on those trees, considering graphicsā€¦ How about this? If it would not be too much of work of course. :smiley:

I would also suggest the fruit be at least a bit uncommon to get. There would be trees with the nodes and those without them (similar to the existing aloe plant with and without the blossom in the middle). One should have to be looking thoroughly to find the fruit node tree between the regular ones.


Oh! you little traitors. I think the carrot infinitely more fascinating than the geranium. The carrot has mystery. Flowers are essentially tarts. Prostitutes for the bees. There is a certain je ne sais quoi - oh, so very special - about a firm, young carrotā€¦Excuse meā€¦