Suggestion: destination menu with custom POI names for transpatory stones

I would love to see a much less clunky way to operate the transpatory stones and the ability to change the names of the destinations.

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I did not test, but I saw a tip in a loading screen saying that if you renamed your transportory stones, this is what would be displayed on others when seeking them :thinking:

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That’s what I do: rename my transportory stones. It works, you see the custom names when you’re inside the transportory stone.

That said, the UI can be incredibly frustrating when your stones line up correctly.

ohhhh I did not know this! thank you for the tip!

Yep. Used to be that you needed to change the teleporter’s name before turning it on or the new name would revert back to “South Spinebreaker’s Ridge” or whatever after server reboot/logging out of Single-Player. Haven’t tested recently so I don’t know if this is still the case.

The floating stones UI, even though it’s cool, is also somewhat hard to use when you have multiple pads. I’m hoping they’ll eventually redesign this.


That has apparently been fixed as I spent yesterday renaming all my active portals and they stuck.

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