having problems with chinese hackers/ body vaulters/ vault and foundation spamming at my base/ land claim spanning 4+ grids at the ice cave/ suspicious behave ive never seen before such as other chinese users in other clans able to build on other peoples foundation and access and place doors and vaults.
Im looking for support from someone who will reply more than once every 3 weeks which is what i am currently experiencing.
Besides the sprawl, what do you expect to happen? They seem friendly and offer help, right? Next thing you know they are helping themselves to your loot, right?
I figured out how to plug up the holes in my base… before they exploit it, again. Before they lay out their vaults, again.
This happens on so many servers and so many (all?) games out there. There will always be players, from all over the planet, that will actively attempt exploiting, hacking, griefing. Games are an avenue wherein it is too difficult to ‘whack-a-mole’ the issues and instances away.
For what it is worth, the motivations for players that play like that are such that they have to have others to play with to feed their needs - kind of like locusts. When they don’t, they get bored and try another server or game. Many players move to private, admin-moderated servers for that reason. This is not ideal obviously, but it can be a solution.
Outside of that, any player spotting instances of the stuff you mention, take screenshots/recordings as evidence and report the server and evidence to Zendesk correctly and there may be bannings, etc.
I think Funcom staff are on their annual leave right now so you may have to wait a week or so. Others in here may also offer you further advice.