I have a question about switching clan.
I have in my clan 4 Players included me. I wanna join the other clan. I am the Chef of my clan. So, when i Kick out my members and left my clan, can i join the other without losing my thralls?
Because i tryied to Switch and i lose/ dissapear my horse, my thrall fighters, dancer…
So my mates invited me Back and i dont know how Can i join the other clan without losing everything
If you kick out your members you will not only have ‘your’ thralls, you will have everything(!) your clan owned. Is it wise to maroon your mates without leaving them any thralls and buildings, just so that you can join another clan?
Clan deal problem …was clanless…buddy died and was time for his work to have a conferrence call so i joined clan to get his stuff for him…server wasn t set that way so was to no availe…so i waited for body to respawn grab his things… then let go of clan now they own my property how do I get my property back…anybody any help will be appreciated thanks in advance
To be precise on the procedure to follow ( I have done it several times on an official pve-c server , I don’t know if mods can interact with this procedure but I guess not )
you need to be clanleader of your clan first , then you have to kick every member out except you (of course )
once you are the last left of your clan , you can proceed to disband the clan , all what was own by the clan will now be own by only you .
Then you can accept the other clan’s invitation .
The merge is complete , all is now to the new clan !
unfortunately by joining your buddy’s clan , all your possesions now belongs to the clan , the only way for you to get your property back now , is to join the clan and stay clanned with your buddy
I don’t know if it’s a pve problem but I don’t understand why you had to get in the clan to get the loot of your dead buddy ?
i was clanless server set no looting dead bodies…i thought that if i was clan I could get the belongings of his because he could not at that time …conferrence call for job… that did not work…me being made a clan member… so i just waited for his body to respawn and then grab the loot which was successful…but me being lvl314 and he and his clan lvl 60 i had waaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy more stuff than them…little disheartening…to say the least…but i made him a deal to give clan to me i give him all his stuff put in chests close by i then dismantle his just made bare minimum base give to him and told him id make whatever t4 building pcs he wanted although painstaking was the easiest way to solve the problem