Dear Funcom,
After the Day-1 Patch, the game clearly improved in Dock mode, particularly when it comes to resolution, BUT it still has drastic resolution and FPS drops and very often crashes. In portable mode instead, the game has major resolution problems, it drops so much (200/300p) it becomes impossible to play. There are FPS drops as well, though less than in Dock Mode. It’s a pity because the game is very good. Hopefully these issues will be resolved soon.
I was just about to post a new topic about the game crashing, frequently, on the Switch when I found this post. I am a little miffed by the graphics issues, but more so by the FPS drops, graphical issues, and long input delays that happen too frequently. I’m enjoying the game, but am not enjoying the bugs in the Switch version. Please, Funcom, do something about the lag and frame drops.
Hello @Kh4yen and @UnitDTH, welcome to the community!
We appreciate your inputs and we’re forwarding all relevant information to the developers, please rest assured that these issues are being looked into and will be dealt with in upcoming patches.
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