Technically right, feels bad

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:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:, youā€™re amazing, master of the universe :sign_of_the_horns:.

I will say that I had the remaining loot of my old pvp days in a storage spot that just hung out for years. Lots of no ancient things no longer in play. Eldarium weapons, undead pets, brutal yog touch axes and even things I couldnā€™t have normally like an Atlantean sword. For nearly 2 years I logged into refresh 104+ times because it wasnā€™t solely mine either. It belonged to the clan and they have long since left the game but their permission was neededā€¦and it finally got raided and removed. I never felt so free.

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This :backhand_index_pointing_up:. Exactly this!!!

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