I am Deacon the destroy. If I find a decayed build while traveling I will loot the carcass and destroy it.
Found this one looked long abandoned, a smallish slaver base but fully functional. Decay said a few hours left and was real early in the day, so dropped what I was up to did a few trips clean out storage; lot of good building materials. But RL things to do. Back hours later and cleaned out the benches. And RL again; I have a dog, she is very demanding. Back on later for the final step, gone. Got the hunger alert, ate, drank, hyena cub spawns in and while I’m standing there. wondering if I want to grab and tame it; easy pack animal…
“Where’d my place go” game chat.
Nope, vultures fly away.
I kinda feel bad but technically I was not in the wrong.
Not like I’ve used any of it, this is a new character, I’m still doing the base journey steps.
One can decide to be a vulture, but vultures are ugly and lonely.
Or one can try to be a capybara and loot a bit stupid, but be super chilled and popular.
Let me say another story here then..
So i start with a friend on a server…
A few moments later my friend says, winner, winner, chicken diner… Or something like it. A base decays in front of us and we start looting the bags.
So we go back and store the loot…
We never used it…
After 4 days of gaming this loot was only burden.. Useless stored items with only purpose to decay again…
This mechanic is practically useless, remove it i say!
for you maybe as you didn’t use the loot , for others it’s the reason they keep playing.
I can’t count how many hours/nights I’ve passed by an unexpected decayed base and the trips back and forth… Also wondering if the owner would log back since there is always a sense of guilt when you do this.
While there is a ting of guilt when I do this in PVE, I would expect someone to loot my abandoned games and hopefully they enjoy what I collected. I would expect others to feel the same.
This game, when you are leveled, isn’t that hard to get back into a situation where you are flowing in mats again so at most you are putting up a 4 hour delay in their game as they get back into it.
Hell, TBCH, I like it when I jump on and it’s new. It means new ideas to try out, new places to build.
I just had this conversation on stream this morning.
During the week or so long playthroughs I do, I carry a repair hammer just to check decay status and loot bases that are in decay status. The only difference is that I feel zero guilt/regret.
Part is because I use the items I loot and part is because, when my playthrough is completed, I tell active players I am leaving so they can claim my inventory.
I bet my right arm, especially for the both of you, that your base has loot stored that you won’t use in a 100 playthroughs . And i am not speaking about decayed bases, i am speaking for the ones you gained the pve way, not the pvp bate that devs allowed on pve servers to attract people on their pvp. .
But yes, you’re correct @Kanza1, it’s a mechanic that makes people happy, so i don’t really give a dime, because practically it doesn’t really bother me, i can always skip it .
My whole point is that there’s nothing these bases will give you that you cannot obtain on your own anyway!
I stored all of it. Little I can use right now because I don’t have the levels. I can’t repair the tools/weapons with out kits. My level is so low even good weapons don’t do so good, and I can not wear any heavy armor right now.
Most of it was building mats, and few specific farmed weapons. Nothing that would give me more then a few levels boost. Still running back to a certain cave to get steel tools.
I let my place on live decay, hope all the great stuff I scavenged from a big decaying base does some 0ne some good. Only so many tombs of knowledge a player can read.
Allow me an obvious secret then . If you got your sickle from Kurak cave and any decent weapon, stop looting. It’s not priority, lvl up is. So go for a couple hours in the unnamed city and 60 is in your pocket brother. Just pass brute and any skeleton lizard minion until lvl 40… And the snake… And red mama until 30 and you’ll be fine. Screw loot, your lvl up is highly important, the rest can come.
a few years ago I found a few legacy Tellith two handed swords in a decayed base , they were (and still are) a bit better than anything I can find or forge in EL now
that’s not 100% accurate , I found the atlantean sword and armor in some decayed base that I can’t find anywhere else in game nor create ( without asking someone ) , you can also find pre patched items or some captain thralls / or bandit leader thralls , if the people still have them … that the game once provided but is now unobtainable … or even the previous AOS battlepass items like spell orbs/potion that you can’t craft and no longer obtain…
well no , my base doesn’t exist anymore since 2 years so no !
also this
contradicts this
if you don’t give a dime , then why ask for it’s removal ?
I already stated a lot of times why i don’t wish pvp mechanics on pve, because looting other bases is practically the pvp bate of devs on pve.
But, like you and many other fellows said, they love this mechanism, so although my feedback stands, since i am alone in this, no worries it wont happen.
Yet since we have this conversation let me give you a more spherical view of how i see this loot option on pve…
What’s pve?
Player vs environment.
What someone suppose to do in pve?
Defeat the environment.
How is defeating the environment is pleasure?
First of all because it gave me the pleasure of winning and second but not least because i took really good and rare loot. Bottom line i worked my asss and gain it.
Is it fair for others to have this loot without efforts?
Is it game breaking?
Then you’ll ask me my dear friend Kanza… Name how many game breaking mechanics and ways this game has?
And i will laugh, i’ll say you’re correct and all that will remain from this wonderful conversation thar my dearest Deacon started, is that we made a conversation, because the game remains unbalanced years now .
Thanks for the conversation, really .
What these legacies are doing that other swords can’t ?
There were some bastard swords that use to have unbelievable dmg outcomes, but still? What on this map cannot be killed easily and you need these swords?
The brute and the skeletal lizardmen are actually fairly easy to kill with a one hand sword even at low levels. Dodge/avoid their initial lunge then lunge attack them and immediately dodge to the side and get some distance. Repeat as needed though it is important to lunge from max distance or they will hit you.
I don’t see why any lunge attack weapon wouldn’t work but a one hand sword will snare them for extra safety/insult $
Nope, he can be killed very easily my friend, build agility, vitality, grit, wear light armor, take some food and some potions, tulwar and a high durability shield. Except his 2h stomp, all the rest attacks are blocked by the shield. If he hit you glutton for punishment will heal you. Don’t go under his feet and when he touches his hands on ground you are allowed to have 2 hits.
As for your thralls will crash him with momentum.
So no these Teliths are nothing special with no other use that you have something that noone else has, but nothing useful if you’re getting me here.
That is fair. But,a caveat to my looting, I no longer take everything. I systematically pop tables and containers and select only the items I expect to use.
It’s a good system for getting a leg up.
Also, decay is important. Let unused bases go. Let others who are active get faster material.
If PvP were still a thing, it would be even more utile.
Not long ago, this one scavenged some Siptah gear off a decayed base in the Exiled Lands.
Those outer dark weapons and helms and breastplates of the wolf are in use presently. As is the pirate outfit, as an illusion.
There are other items, such as blood flasks and keys that are just time savers.
As are some boxed thralls… especially with the thrall deletion bug still around.
Once Al Meryah is once more ruins, stocks of Musashis will be very popular decay loot.
That’s without even noting locust/scavenger play throughs.
Hoarding is an issue.
But one that has been cultivated. Both in survival games in general, but also in this game in specific.
Weapons get mucked with constantly.
What is a great weapon for thralls one patch may be garbage the next. What was once recycling bench fodder may become sought after treasure. What is utile to the player shifts.
To say nothing of items becoming unavailable.
In short, don’t feel bad.
It was abandoned. You took it.
Give it back to them if you want.
But in this game, property belongs to one only so long as they can defend it.
Anyone that has played the game knows how easy it is to get loot above our level with out much effort. So that is a pretty weak argument.
The environment claims abandoned builds. If I find an ancient temple and get there just in time for rot to drop a door and reveal treasures, but only till the chests decay away, would I be a fool for not looting up?
Another opportunistic game mechanic is decayed builds will not “decay” till rendered. Been a few times I’ve been touring along, see a keep, nope then thralls and loot bags drop. I believe you have a minute before they go poof.
I’ll get to that point. Before I quit playing a couple months ago, I dropped most loot, I was pretty well just leveling followers to replace lost ones.
There’s a person who will pass from a hundred buck on the ground and ignore it.
There’s a person that will lean and take it.
Neither is incorrect, but the plurality is the number 2!