Game mode: [Online | Singleplayer]
Problem: [ | Bug |]
Region: [North America]
I noticed some specific issues with changes in temperature. I’m unsure if this is the exact cause but I did notice a change.
I noticed this with a fresh game started after the new patch.
If I have armor equipped and I switch to new armor without un-equipping the old armor it seems to stack the armors temperature effects. I had Khitain medium armor on and got a thrall who could make Flawless of the same. I switched armors directly one to the other and immediately noticed the higher temperature. When I now remove all armor while still inside my home (which prior was temperature neutral) I’m now, buck nekkid, at just under the ‘hot’ temperature value. If I actually equip the Flawless Khitain medium armor I go directly to Hot/Very Hot depending on where I’m standing. This didn’t happen before.
Steps on how to reproduce issue:
- Equip armor with inherent temperature increase (protection vs cold)
- Immediately switch directly to another armor, possibly one with better temperature increase without unequipping armor first.
- At this point even if you remove all armor your temperature remains above normal.
- Profit!