Tempersmith locations on siptah

Hi all I’ve been farming the Ashen Core for days trying to get Iria Soot-Face to spawn but I’m having no joy at all. Are there any other decent tempersmith locations cause Iria has always been my go to on Siptah but she’s playing hard to get :sob: I don’t want to sit through a 10 min video so thought I’d ask here.


You know it’s rng based, so no matter what I’ll say that doesn’t mean you’ll have a better luck.
I still don’t have great knowledge of Siptah, at least not like exile lands. I do have good memory on good things but not in names.
So what I do is Farm all the southern pirate camps, they are easier than the Stygians or the Accursed and the loot is rich too, so easy is better I suppose when it comes to farm crafters.
However the best chance is always (for me) a tier 4 surge. Not only for crafters, the fighters or the bearers you gain are a good surprise. For fighters, if you don’t know already, the best place is the “temple of the loon”, I am not so sure about the name, sorry. I would love to “see” what is going on in Accursed Citadel. I never constantly farmed this place and I believe that it hides secrets.
I know that I didn’t help a lot and I am as eager as you are for someone to give something more valid and easy, than what i already know.


I’ll take any chance over continuing to farm this place lol I’m getting sick of the scenery and need a change. I haven’t found any other tempersmith in Siptah ever though so was just looking for any suggestions where others have found one. Cheers mate I’ll try all the southern camps and see how I do. At worse I’ll be looking at different stuff at least lol :joy:

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I think I’ve got Iria Soot-Face from one of the dockside camps on the north side of the Isle of Dusk.

And there’s an unmarked Accursed camp on the Isle of Dusk where a blacksmith spawn is conveniently on the side so you can aggro him/her without pulling the whole tribe against you if you approach from the southeast. I believe a named blacksmith can spawn there, although I’m not 100 % sure. Here:

I’ve been very unlucky getting any named thralls in the Ashen Core too, even though I’ve seen maps that claim that named crafters spawn there. But as stelagel said, it’s a random chance.


Great :blush: thank you I’ll give the accursed camp a shot for a while it’s not far from where I’m built.

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Is this close to the temple of the loon?

If you look at the map I posted, Temple of the Loon is the southernmost moose-head symbol. The camp I meant is where I put the red circle (or something that was supposed to be a circle but encountered some barbarians on the way and they beat it into a shapeless form), a bit north of the Triune Grave.


This location smells gold, the best things of the game came from this location around. Thank you for sharing. Later on I will share what I find main in this area if you are interested.
Thanks again @Kapoteeni :+1:t6:

I built a base nearby before I even realised how many features were within a stone’s throw range. I settled there for thrall recruiting, but discovered camps for scrap-harvesting (Eldarium), Grey One forges, plentiful brimstone and even an easy world boss for skeleton keys. Black ice is the only resource I need in large quantities I have to get from far away. (I mean, I guess I could go slay Yakith in the Fractured Citadel, but they’re hardly what you can call an efficient way to get black ice.)


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