Thank you Funcom for nerfing horses in 2.4 been waiting so long for this


How do you do that…? I mean, how you not die from boredom? i tried to PvE on a horse. You either run around with a lance making huge circles or just stand in one place and press one button next to the enemy. 5 minutes and I’ve been done for life.

How do you do it?

You vary your actions. You don’t just gorilla glue your butt to the horse and charge at everything with a lance all the time.

I know for some reason it’s become a little difficult for people to fathom not sticking to one weapon and one playstyle at all times just because it does the mathematical maximum DPS or whatever. But that’s really all there is to it. If riding the horse is getting a little boring, you just hop off and draw your sword. If you’re tired of poking things with a spear, grab an axe or a bow. They may not do as much damage, but as hard as it is for some to believe, the point of playing a video game is not to do the most damage possible. It’s to have fun.


I cannot talk about pc but ask literally any top tier console player and they will all tell you they prefered old roll. And I don’t get why a bad pvper would want the old roll back because it was actually skillbased and a top tier pvper could easily take on 5 or 6 of your “bad pvprs”

Hello Exiles! In my humble opinion, the only thing horses need, it’s that player stamina as to be spent when using a weapon in the same way when he is on foot! Having your stamina drained would make you dismount! And the players should have more health! If the players had a top 2000 health, mounted combat or on foot combat would be more interesting! For instance; if someone with a seven winds katana it’s you now, you die in one hit! And having more health would keep you alive and ready to counterattack an horse charge! Not mentioning that this would improve dungeoning not being so thrall depending! Really , please Funcom : Give the players more health!


Sadly what those cowards want will effect all aspects of the game.

With more health like you say ground PVP would be pain in the @#$, better to do damage from horse the same as on ground.

OK! I’ll buy that! The changes would be then : put stamina cost and amount of damage equal in horse back and on foot! If stamina drains you fall from horse! I’m a horse fan and I am fine with that !

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The thing is, most people want it gone not fixed. If you read the various posts, its “lame” or “fighting should be on foot”. A few are genuinely bothered by the Meta but for a lot of others it just doesn’t fit their playstyle and is “stupid”, because some “noob” can kill them.

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That’s just something you believe. But it’s not actually true. But even if someone coming up with solid solutions to fix the balance between ground and horse PVP, they getting jumped on by the horse players that doesnt want to see any kind of damage nerf at all, and is just pleased with how it is right now.

Horse should be speed advantage only, and that’s my solution, they can keep the knockdown aswell if u charge a ground player. But this ridiculous damage is a big no. Horses are way to easy to get and way to easy to level up to be this strong.


While I wouldn’t say “most people”, as it’s typically the same few individuals repeating the statement, that is usually the way it goes with most calls for PvP related nerfs. The loudest voices always call for whatever it is to be removed or at the very least nerfed until nobody would ever use it.


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Did you watch the Stream at all? He didn’t say they were going to “fix” it, he said “NERF” it.
If he had said fix or balance, we wouldn’t be having this discussion and the Forum wouldn’t have gone up in flames.
My issue is not with just the horse “nerf”.
My issue is with FC nerfing everything out of existence vs fixing it. They have consistently nerfed ANYTHING that was viable, useful, or fun, INSTEAD of balancing it.
They dont even talk about balance, just nerfing.

Wrong, everything I said was actually said on these forums by a person or persons that wanted horses nerfed.


This is also my issue with them. But … this started way before horses. Metas became Metas because they couldn´t figure out how to do it right. For whatever reason(s). Horses are just the smelting icecream on top of that big pile of burned pancakes they produced.

But thats not the fault of the players. Thats on Funcom. People just adapted to the situation and got used to it. They got used to this metas. And horses are a meta right now. Even if you like them. But thats what they are. Alone the damage you deal on them: twice as high as on ground. A ground player has absolutly nothing to counter that. Even if attacks would drain stamina, the damage you deal before you run out of stam is way to high to not be leathal to you. It doesn´t matter if you have to get down your horse at some point, because you are most times long dead before that would happen.

Horses should have never been made the way they are now. Funcom should have made them as what people wanted them to be. A riding alternative to teleporting. Thats my opinion and I am standing to it. No matter if you or anybody else is liking it. And seriously speaking, I don´t know if it is possible to “fix” them. Because if they nerf them too much, nobody will us them anymore. They will loose their status as meta and something else will fill the spot. On the other hand, if they don´t “nerf” them enough they will still be the meta and nothing will change on the actual situation.

In the end it does´nt matter if you and me or the rest of this forum personally likes the horses or not. What matters is how the rest of the world that plays this game is reacting to them right now. And fact is: on most privat pvp servers nowadays horses are generally forbidden or forbidden for fighting people on ground. Would they allow it, people wouldn´t play on that server and the server is dead. That is the reality and it shows how people struggle with this meta.





You make some decent points, except this one. Conan community would have burned Funcom at the stake had there been 0 mounted combat.

Even in PvE I can recognize Horse combat is too strong (and I’m all for an adjustment and/or way better counters). But I really dislike the “they shouldn’t have mounted combat or mounts at all” mentality to everytime there is some new meta. There used to be non stop calls for “getting rid of all Pikes” once upon a time too.


They are doing that now…they should have thought it through but they didn’t and don’t for most everything.

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Thank you for making my point.


This comment deserves more likes…

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And if they change dodge/roll back to its former notoriety, and nerf horses we have just come full circle.
You would think five years into this game PVP would have stabilized by now, instead, its still a mess.

So my main issue is the “yes, we are going to nerf horses” blatant statement made on the dev stream.
Not, “We are going to tone them down. or try to balance them”, its just like a big FU to the player base.
Honestly, after watching that dev stream I lost a lot of respect for Funcom.

In a way it is, because they just sit there and say, “yay, nerf this, nerf that!” without even knowing what the alternative is going to be, or offering up a valid opinion on how to change it.

And finally,

This. @Starbuck1771 Nailed it IMO.

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Nah, he just said something that agrees with your frustrations. You could just as easily choose to believe that Funcom “trained” players to think in terms of nerfs and that asking for reasonable changes is much less likely to ever solve players’ problems.

Then again, that’s not an accurate representation of what happened, either. :wink:

What happened is not too hard to ascertain, if you’re a mаsochist who spends their free time digging through old forum threads instead of doing something actually fun :stuck_out_tongue:

If you go digging, what you’ll find out is that any time someone brought up the very fact that the horses are unbalanced, there’s always a handful of same people who jumped onto the thread to stamp out any vestige of reasonable discussion. You don’t even have to dig too far into the past, because the usual suspects are still out there insisting that there’s nothing wrong with mounted combat.

Make no mistake, I don’t mean that they’re saying horses shouldn’t be nerfed, they’re saying there’s nothing wrong with mounted combat, they’re saying that anyone who thinks otherwise just isn’t good enough at PVP, and they’re refusing to participate in any serious discussion about it. Does that seem conducive to “asking for reasonable changes”?

Of course, it doesn’t help that “horses are unbalanced” camp also includes a fair number of extremely toxic posters who do the same thing in reverse, like people who see a post from a community manager saying “hey, please attack ideas and not people” and reply with an insult to everyone who disagrees with them.