Funcom don't nerf Horse pvp to much

I want to ask Funcom one thing,did u nerf it at all,so horses gonna be like a mounts that’s all?
U know ppl who cry about their true pvp with macros,skip animation and rope,also they make FOV as they want and u just wanna delete horses cos it’s deal a lot of damage,u nerf it,ok,just make it less damage that’s all.
Horses is good in pvp,farming and other things,horses it’s easy to take,everyone could have it and learn all about it not crying like they are.
Just think about it as well,good player could kill horseman even without it!

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Rip mounted combat

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Don’t nerf them at all. Just because a small few, who incidentally claim to speak for others (you know how that always works), of extra loud voices say nerf, doesn’t mean that it should be done.

At the very most, just come up with a counter to mounts against infantry. Don’t punish everyone for the complaints of those few.


There have been hundreds of topics why the horse combat is unbalanced, there has been tons of constructive feedback on what exactly is wrong with them. There have been suggestions how to fix them. Simply because a few decide to turn a blind eye to the problem because it suits them, it doesn’t mean that the rest of us should.

We had enough of this mounted combat in the last year, it is time for a change. But don’t worry we understand why some people don’t want to get them nerfed. It is something we see every time something overpowered is about to be nerfed. You will be fine, you will adapt the same way we had to adapt during the past year.


There is a lot of ways to make horse more weak but ppl make builds for it and if u think that horse is overpowered seems like u blind,when Funcom make thrall characters random when u level up them it start be useless,for a now horses die in every fight,before all of this horses was to strong but now it’s just a meat and nabs cry and cry about their power,nabs will always cry cos don’t learn how to play the game as well.
Ppl must have a choise,as for me I don’t wanna use light armor cos all pro guys use it,I wanna ride on my lovely horse and do the same thing as before,farm,fight,travel and many others things,I buy DLC cos horses a really cool


@Effo I gave you a like simply because you asked for it not to be nerfed too much :slight_smile:
While I don’t know much about horse fighting in pvp, but meta’s there usually result in a huge slam with the nerf hammer making lots of stuff more or less useless.
Should fighting from horseback be stronger than fighting on foot?
Hell yeah, a horse has momentum and out in the open it makes sense that riders have an advantage, however there should also be ways to get riders thrown of the horse, maybe even resulting in a good deal of damage from the fall, but it is Conan Exiles and the solution seems always to be nerfing things into the ground instead of finding solutions to counter… Sadly :pensive:


That’s pretty disingenuous to say.

Many of you are asking for horse damage to be set to 0% from what it is now. Many of you are asking for it to be left alone.

The average of 0 and 100 is 50. So they’re very likely going to ‘nerf it to the ground’ with a 50% nerf across the board. Many of you are going to say its too much. Many of you are going to say its too little. Not many are going to like it in either case.

They’re damned if they do, damned if they don’t. Simply because the community itself has its own bias and cannot come to a reasonable consensus. If it could, then the consensus could be rallied behind and suggested and would likely be followed. But you won’t do that. And there is where the problem is.


Hundreds of topics by the same handfull of people some posting on alt accounts to get attention to their subjects or circumvent a ban.


The good ground pvper is likely to kill a noob on horse, yes. But a good player on horse cannot die to a player on ground. I could literally stand still with my horse and slaughter any player on ground that is approaching me

If you think there is nothing wrong with weapons doing double damage while on horse and also applying bleed every hit idk what to say to you.

Funcom fixed the 4th hit spear exploit but in the same patch gave it to braincell horse mains. hahaha

That goes both ways. You and a few others have been the same handful of people posting against a nerf :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Furthermore, the argument those same anti-nerf people use is always the same: “get good, only bad pvpers have a problem with horses”. Maybe it is time for you to get good without relying on overpowered mechanics?


Bames Nond is having a stronk?


You know, half the reason why I think discussions about horses are pointless is because toxicity goes from 0 to Chernobyl faster than you can say “troll”. The other half are arguments like the one I just quoted.

Yeah, and that same handful of people also went out and rented a great number of private PVP servers with “no horse PVP” rules on them. It’s totally just a handful of people, not an unbalanced game mechanic at all. :roll_eyes:


They stated on the stream that in 2.4 they will nerf horses significantly by reducing damage dealing from horseback to normal.

If this is true… they do 2x now. Normal damage is one half of 2x. Or a 50% nerf.

Like I said… some want no changes, some want all damage gone. The average of 0% and 100% is 50%. And like I said some will say too much, some will say not enough.

They should just have different rule settings between pure pvp servers and non pure pvp servers. Pure pvp servers have no mounts or no fighting on mounts, or what ever the community wants and than all that good stuff that pvp community can’t handle like mounted combat can be stay on the non pure pvp servers. If the pvp community wants to be masochists and suffer daily alongside each other just let them.

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A more dangerous idea was never concieved.


Exactly, it is the same group of people who do the posting that advocate to take horses away from everyone, or kill any damage multiplier. And the threads are getting more and more extreme, with people now wanting to take horses away completely. It goes like this:

because they want something, it should be good for everyone else too and anyone who doesn’t agree is turning a blind eye or is completely unaware of how the game should be played.

Gotta admit, that is how I feel. A small bunch of people who complain about horses, want changes for themselves and everyone should be on board or something is wrong with you. Don’t tell me I am turning a blind eye, I am not willing to change my likes and opinions of certain things just because you want something your way.

What is stupid is changing damage from horseback to whatever you do while standing on the ground. When you hit something with a weapon meant to crush skulls while riding a 2000 lb animal at 25 mph, it’s gonna hurt way more than some weak human swinging a club with no momentum. Why would people want to kill off extra damage. Oh wait, because it doesn’t suit them.

Like I said, come up with a counter, or argue for developers to come up with a counter. The answer isn’t to just take something away, that’s what some do: ‘Someone misused something, take it away from everyone’.


Guess it’s back to roll and poke?

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I can understand why they make changes on officials but I would prefer instead of general nerfs there was a server setting so private servers could have the experience they desire. I’d also like a weapon damage file so that private servers could rebalance weapons as they see fit.