The balancing is all over the place

Nordheimers and forgotten tribe hit way to hard!
I wear a heavy armor crafted with a T4 armorer and i can tank multiple hits from a BOSS CREATURE like the brute in the unnamed city, but even T1 fighters of the mentioned clans can kill me with 3 hits?! (edit. depending on the weapon… but anyways)
They hit harder than the red mother! :joy:

And besides that, with the removal of hyper armor geatsword is pretty much useless now, you just get staggered to death!

Changing numbers and reworking mechanics we are used to is NOT “new content”! It‘s just annoying and frustrating :person_facepalming:


Who knows which weapons retained their hyperarmor?

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It’s almost removed completely, the moment you deal damage you can‘t get staggered, but if you‘re stuck in a mob you‘re not able to land a hit.
Weird change, but as i said on top of that the insane damage of these clans… :man_shrugging:

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I could be wrong, but logically, hyperarmor should have been left for two-handed weapons? Two-handed swords, spears? The one-handed one had it for his maces and swords, but they left it for the maces, don’t you know?

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Thank you fellow exile i will keep track, but all i know atm is what wak4863 said, and what i’ve experienced with greatsword

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Hyper armor is only active after you get through the window when you are able to turn/adjust direction your attack. Weapons with a long wind up on heavy attacks like katanas/hammers/great swords are much harder to start while under attack.


Yeah, horrible disadvantage for those weapons.
As i said pretty much useless against mobs of enemies, and the ridiculous damage on top.
I’m killing bosses effortlessly but in new asgard or the mounts of the dead it‘s just a pain.

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Lians are buffed in this update.
I was testing purges 2 days now. They became beasts and more effective than Dalinsias.
Trust me, a lot will jump to tell me about the hidden stats and all the rest, but when i see a Lian lvl 0 to stay alive in all the purges until lvl 8 and a Dalinsia lvl 0 cannot survive one, then i need no more info. So i believe that heirs of north are buffed and this buff is going both in npcs and thralls. From tomorrow i will start investing in these thralls again. I want to see Dina, Freya, Yanos, etc…
No matter if hanumans gada and momentum are the known beasts right now, i saw excellent performance from my fighter thralls in purge while wielding venom infused pike. Thralls do not have stamina and pike staggers a lot, helping them keep the danger away.
If you think however that heirs of north hit hard don’t go to the volcano m8 :rofl:. Give to your best thrall a truncheon and see it melting in seconds, they do insane damage. However the volcano thralls DO NOT represent volcano npcs. They are lower than berserkers unfortunately. Plus Daicas has become really short :rofl::rofl::rofl:. I remember him taller!
I have to collect more info. The game is been changed a lot m8.
I have the feeling 2 days now that i play something different, but better. I am always a bit higher than normal optimistic, but this time it’s on them too.
I really enjoy some changes.
Thank you for the feedback @UNfun and nice to see that you didn’t left :wink:.


It’s all about luck. Because of stunlock any lone thrall that gets separated will die. Many weapons have lost the hyper armor at the start of their attacks because there is no hyper armor during the aimable part of the animations. You could have a glitched arena champion thrall with 20k hp and I bet it would do fine, but it only takes 1 wave to surround, stunlock and kill any thrall (including a 20k arena champ).


I have a masochistic tendency I guess :joy:,
they changed the multiplyers once again! Would be nice if FC would just stick to a system instead of changing it over and over.

However i hope FC does something about this.
Being able to take multiple hits from a boss creature, but some random neanderthals wreck you is still weird to me.
Especially when you consider im going with 300 health only, shows the inbalance.
But of course i‘m happy for everyone who is enjoying it.
And i‘ll check out what you said, thank you fellow exile :blush:

Btw, Teimos is (or maybe was, who knows what else they have changed) one of the best archers/agility levelers, and he is not even an archer.

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