Hello everyone,
[About me]
I have started my second play trough of Conan Exiles and i want to share my experience. First i will mention that i am playing on my own server Knights of Fury and that we are using the difficulty setting Decadent [Medium]. We are about 11 people on the server so fare and i hope more are to come
As of now i have played 35 h, yes when i play a game i play a lot. I just started a few days ago
[The good stuff]
There are a lot of positive stuff that has been fixed since i last played. That map has been improved greatly and i see that thralls animations have been mostly fixed. Caves are looking really good and has a good feeling to them.
The variety of thralls spawns and animals has also been made better and they drop more exciting loot now. That is some good stuff. The spear combat has also become more realistic and you do small snappy attacks that are really good.
[The bad stuff]
However, there are things that need to be addressed because of itās immersion breaking effects.
First off weapons and attacks. You guys have to improve the sword and axe attack moves. I cringe every time i do a freaking sword spin. Please look at Shadiversity youtube to understand how sword combat should work!
There is also a problem with creatures movement looking jagged and like it not fluent. There are some creatures that should be able to climb and swim. Creatures and humanoid should also have a fight or flight choice. If you are high lvl they should be able to see this or it could also be you equipment has a fear factor. Pleas look in to this!
[Need in the game!]
Please add a bola, two rocks and a string that root players to the ground! That is so needed in this game, against pesky naked players that troll in pvp and some creatures that are hard to catch. This is something I would add as a top priority for improvements for better mechanics and immersion.
Swimming is actually ok but when you run out of stamina you should start moving slower. The water potion should give you more stamina under water also.
[Bugs and problems!]
I have also found some small bugs in the game. When i load in my base, sometimes it does not detect the stairs and walls. My character becomes floating when on stairs and i can see trough the walls in third person. I can fix it by logging out and in again but this can be abused when raiding!
I am also aware of the problems with cheating and that there are poisonous people out there just trying to destroy the game by clearing out servers. I know you are a small team but i think you might have to address this also.
[Conclusion of the game, so fare!]
Okay, i think that was my impressions so fare. I would just like to add that i am doing this to improve the game. I am enjoying playing it right now and i think this good be good for a lot of hours. I am also hoping that this gives the devs some feetback they can use
[Questions for you]
What do people think about this post and the content?
Should i continue to do this type of feedback?
I would also like to know if other people have experienced the same things?
Best Regards