Game mode: [Online | Singleplayer]
Problem: Bug
Region: [Here]
The fact that all the fences of the foundations in the game are not functional, the developers have already forgotten? Is it really such a difficult problem that you need to wait for months to correct it?
I think that it only “appear” to you .
I checked all the foundations fences with all the foundations - in no case do they work the way they used to.
The only option, as now it is possible to install a fence foundation - to attach it perpendicular to the previously (before the appearance of this bug) established fence foundation.
T1 fences foundations place better then all others, however they used to hang from ceiling tiles and you could also snap crenelation tiles to bottom of ceiling tiles. Used to be able to skin basic foundations with fence foundations for a different look and to seal the gaps. The DLC foundations (fence and basic)are bugged and you sometimes can’t stack unless your overriding a lower tier pre-stacked.
Listen, I admit, of course, the thought that this problem may not be present on all servers - although this is very doubtful. I have a private server, singleplay.
Only last night I again checked various combinations of foundations and fundation fences: a protected tree, a fortified stone, a brick, Khitan buildings (foundations and three- and four-cornered). In no combination of foundation fences are attached to the foundation blocks, in general!
I did not check only T1, because it is not interesting to me for a long time.
Yes, I remember that answer. A few days later, there was a testlive patch, in which there is no correction of this bug. As there is no mention of him in the “Issues Status - PC”. Developers do not remember their promises very well, as it seems to me .
In order to achieve this, you need to build the inner wall, then outer wall first, then place the foundation in the sandwhich last.
But whenever a foundation is already placed, one can add a “coating” of fence foundations on the side of the foundation, like wallpaper. That was an extremely good feature, just as permanent warpaint was.
Yes, I also checked the foundation fences from the sandstone and from the Aquilon DLC. It’s the same: no foundation fences are attached to any foundation blocks.
It is possible to attach foundation fences to each other - but not to the foundations.