The game cheats you pt.2

Floating Zone Dog.
If you keep watch the video, you will see the very brief moment where Zone Dog briefly moves down to the ground and move up on the train.

Sometimes you “cheat” the game. Like when mind control works 100% of the time instead of 50%. Or when you mind control a guy and then Lux mind controls him back, and he stays stuck as an enemy the rest of the battle with the bad guys attacking him.


Just bugs, man. Reporting them is great, though.

Johnny Casey, why do you commit team killing in l4d2? You are saying you never start any arguements first, but you actually do. You always start arguements first, and you always target the korean users. And you ‘enjoy’ their anger, and you upload their reactions on the screenshot or steam discussion.

Also, Why do you pretend you are a native english speaker? You said you are a korean when a user [kor]효준 asked about your nationality. Or you are just lying about your nationality? If you are a real korean, why the hell you don’t speak any korean? Is it make you feel special?

Besides, you always run away from the truth because you are scared of facing it. Not because you’re not ‘interested’, you are just ‘scared’. You don’t have a nerve to face the truth. That’s why you always hide and block my friend’s comments and run away. That is not called ‘ignoring’, that is called ‘running away.’

L4d2 has less korean users because of people like you. Shame on you, team killer.