Game mode: [ Online official |
Type of issue: | Bug |
Server type: | PvE-Conflict |
Mods?: [ Are mods installed: No ]
Edition: [ Select one: Steam |
Bug Description:
The helmet DLC we payed for, no longer gives the stats they used too or should.
+1 strength and the history shows +1 strength the whole way up until today
2.0 (Isle of Siptah): +1 strength
2.1: +1 strength
and so on
even the epic version has +1 strength from the start until today
I update the wiki with data automated gathered from the game files every single game update, so no it’s +1 strength since 2019. maybe you have an exceptional or flawless version with more strength in mind? if yes, it’s not a nerf. it’s only a relocation where the stats are now coming from.
special exceptional / flawless recipes with fixed values
profession thrall tier dependent with variable values, up to +5 with a specialized thrall. +2 vs. +5 sounds not like a nerf to be honest
Well my point these need to be looked over, also Wrong stated attributes on one helmet. And they only give +2 now wich is useless since now we have siptah!.