not completely sure, but I think that is actually an NPC that is from the subfaction of Votaries of Sobek, found in Xalthars Refuge. Claimable only via the admin console. All votaries have insane HP stats, but are unfortunately not “clubable” ingame…
at least that is what I think it is.
I was going through the admin list to see what changes all the NPC’s went through during the last update.
I was spawning them in and then knocking them out with the purple lotus orbs, so I knew which ones could or couldn’t be knocked out.
After doing that, I respawned them in as thralls.
Then I went into their information to see how much of a health cut and other things that were changed.
So as to the skelose bearer III, I don’t know her spawn point on the maps, and with being on Xbox, I don’t know what her damage multiplier is.
I then tested her out by having her kill things in an arena and had another one next to her for Ladagara Daughter of Ymir and watched how fast they killed the animals and NPCs and how many they could take on while having them separated.
She killed everything faster than Ladagara and also moves faster than her.
I honestly doubt Skelos Bearers (under that name) are on the EL map or purge tables, i have yet to see one and have been running through most of the volcano area to get the Cartographer journey done along with some other things. I’ve also ran around 7 tier X purges with none of those in the cages.
I don’t know about the Sobek cave, i have yet to revisit that since returning. Maybe i’ll do that if i pop on tonight.
Precisely. To the best of my knowledge Ladagara Daughter of Ymir has never been obtainable as a thrall without the use of the Admin Panel. In much the same way Razma of Shem is also available as a follower, but again only via admin spawning. As they are not obtainable in the base, vanilla game I would argue that this does not render these followers OP, as they must be accessed using cheats. If players find them too powerful, then best to refrain from using them.
The only other thing I can think of is that these bearer npcs are going to be new npcs that are going to be implemented during the age of heroes with the fact we are getting the 3 new followers.
So that means the npcs will need more health and strength to balance out the fact that the 3 new followers will be way stronger with their skills.
It would make sense with the fact that the one follower can use spells.
it’s cuz her race preset is Hyperborean. Hyperborean race preset causes a crazy increase in HP, i have never really looked into why tho. afaik the Hyperborean race preset is not actually used in the game anywhere.
there is an entry for that spawn in the weighted table, but that doesnt mean that weighted entry is actually called anywhere in the volcano level. i know i have never seen one.
It’s odd that she is Hyperborean with the fact of the red hair and pale skin that normaly is used for the nordheimers. also all the hyborians I know of got a huge health cut because relic hunter treasure seeker hyborians had their health cut drastically in the last update. even the other hyborians after looking at their health that was in the thousands I found were cut down and only in the hundreds now.
I use to use the arena champion because she had her health near to Ladagara but the arena champion was like 12425 after the last update she is now only in the seven thousands and she is hyborian.
Hyperborean and Hyborian are different
the Hyborian race template preset is used all over the spawndata table.
the Hyperborean race template preset exists but isnt really used. These are the only entries in the entire SpawnDataTable that use the Race_Hyperborean template. none of them are thrallable except the 3 Bearers, and i think they are just a fluke, and they arent used on the map anyways
i’ll note that normally, none of the Race Template entries have any effect on stats, only cosmetic, other than the Hyperborean (HYPER, not Hyborian) ones that arent really used.