The No Build Zone Around al-Meriyah

Absolutely @stelagel. There are two separate issues here and I will touch upon both. The first is the performance issues which we on consoles have long suffered under. At least PC and Xbox received optimization updates which I am sure has helped alleviate some of the issues, or at least keep them at bay. Playstation players have never been privy to the same benefit. We still have the same years old issues; for example desynchronisation in NPC deaths, lag and freeze framing, sporadic crashes, assets loading in entirely black, invisible assets, the list goes on.

And now onto the second focal point.

Before I delve deeper into my response here, I would like to state on the record that this is me responding to someone who I hold in high regard here on the forum, and as a valued voice for PvP mode. But I am not sure it will have the outcome you are hoping for. As the old colloquialism goes: ‘griefers gonna grief’. This issue is a behavioural one, you could create 100 new no build zones and trolls and griefers will still find another location or another method to tank the server performance if they want to. It is not a lasting solution, and it just penalises those who do follow the rules. Which leads to my second point which has gone largely unexamined in this thread thus far.

What about the people who have already had bases in the proposed new no building areas? I as an Offline Singleplayer ran afoul of the last flurry of building restrictions, and some 14 other forum members came forward to report they had too. And that is just the players who use the forum.

My base which is in the River biome was unbuildable because of this madness, all because it was within 10 foundations of a generic Exiles Camp. My building pieces all showed up as “unowned”, I could not repair pieces destroyed by the (old) purge, I could no longer decorate with new placeables, or put down new followers. Meaning I had to leave the ones already posted there permanently. Over 2 years of grinding out the resources honestly as a one man workforce, gone, just like that because a small minority of griefers on official could not behave like responsible adults. I endured this malady for over 1 year before Funcom finally added the ‘allow building anywhere option’, and I would not wish that misery on anyone.

So now for me to step back and evaluate the outcome of their approach. For all of the time and resources Funcom invested and people it unwittingly hurt, it still did not resolve undermeshing, building beyond the Cursed Wall, or building to grief/create lag.

This is why I voice my opposition to proposed further building restrictions.