I wouldn’t call you a whiner, but I would say you’re misguided. Here’s why:
Good! Grinding the game until the RNG blesses you is the lowest possible form of engagement. It’s cheap game design. It requires zero skill or ingenuity, just mindless perseverance.
It would be different if we had to do some epic quest to craft those tools or gain the trust of those thralls, but it’s literally just “repeat X until Y”. I’ve had countless conversations about that on these forums, and I never understood why anyone would actually find that kind of gameplay desirable.
I guess I was just raised wrong or something, because I can’t summon any excitement for endlessly pulling the handle of a slot machine.
Don’t get me wrong, I like the surrounding gameplay mechanics, like fighting bosses, or managing NPC aggro to knock out those I want and kill everyone else. I enjoy those. Sure, repetition numbs that a bit, but what actually kills my enjoyment is the fact that I don’t get rewarded for doing it well. I get rewarded randomly. It doesn’t depend on anything except the time I’m prepared to sink in it.
Sure, they could. Do you know how easy it is, for those experienced players, to breeze past level 10 to the point where they can go grind for Black Blood Tools? It’s ridiculously easy and fast to get there.
When it comes to experienced players, level doesn’t mean anything. The leveling progression is simply there to guide new players, that’s all. Journey steps, leveling progression, and lore are the in-game tools that teach new players how to play the game.
I get the impression that people who get hung up on this “level 10” nonsense are those who are used to MMOs and expect the same slog here, but Conan Exiles isn’t – and shouldn’t be – an MMO.
Long-time players always have the greatest trouble adapting to changes and complain the loudest