Game mode: Online
Problem: Bug
Region: US 3890
Hello @Ignasi, we have a quandary for you.
We hit the first line on Saturday, April 13. Normally, we have a purge the day we hit the line. However, we were online for the entire purge period, and there was no purge.
On Sunday, we once again got online for the purge that was sure to come. I checked the log, and found that we did have a purge start at 9:59pm Saturday night, ending at 10:02pm. No big deal, as we thought the purge started at the end of purge hours so it never got going. There were two separate server crashes Sunday, and we never got our purge.
Yesterday, we were online again for the purge. I checked the log, and there was a purge on Sunday, starting at 6:08pm, ending at 6:10pm. We can’t attribute this to the server crashes, because it was an hour and a half before.
We were hanging around, doing some basics around the forts, waiting on the purge. We also had some allies waiting for it as well. Around 8:20pm, I looked at the log, and saw we had a purge earlier in the evening from 8:11 to 8:13, and a purge had started at 8:21. I looked at the map for the red X. There wasn’t one.
We never got a notice on any of these purges, despite being online. There was no damage. Our purge meter is still halfway to the second line. This is truly a first for our clan. We are the ones whose purge always functioned correctly.
Here are screenshots.
During the 8:21 purge
The Map with base areas (No red X)
After the “purge” ended