I have murdered her now a couple of times with my absolute beast of a thrall Kethis Fleshtearer. And I would suggest when harvesting her corpse the dragon horns we get should be more consistent. I have gotten nothing more than once and last time I received 55! I would say she should be the same as her babies in dropping one or maybe a guaranteed 2 because of her size?
And now for something completely different…
I found the item Final Breath of the Red Mother!
Man I think this is fantastic! I don’t want to spoil it for my fellow testers but I will upload screenshots if you guys want.
For me this is really cool and I want to say WELL DONE to funcom for adding it. Its helping me allot considering I usually don’t have a normal one when I need it…
Nice one @Necro, there are new weapons from the maproom aswell right? I wanted to know more about the Whirlwind Blades, there is no info about them anywhere yet.
If that ever comes to be a thing, fire arrows should come back ^^
I have yet to acquire these beauties. I have the axes Havoc and Malice though. They are quite something IMO. The animation looks a little out of place and the model used I would like changed to something a bit more sleek and deadly (Unnamed Venom Axe model comes to mind)…currently they use the Ymir altar axe model. But the damage coupled with the speed is very nice. And the new dagger ability of not getting staggered when doing heavy attacks makes them a force to be reckoned with!
I am no pvp player but I like them allot. Its a cool idea.
Or we could settle for a belt fastened glowing heart of the red mother or spine of the White walker General or whatever. I would just really really like to see what I am whacking with my two handed instrument of death…