Really the sandstorm was only threatening when I started the game with my first fiberglass outfit. After wearing armor the storm no longer does enough damage to run from it, especially when my life is full. The storm could come with some monsters like the opening or if it stays in it for 30 or 40 seconds without a mask, a death animation by the sand creatures could happen. A song accompanied by the storm would be good, it would have to start low and then threatening and agitated as it approaches. That would be a good upgrade to Storm.
Before making it more deadly, they need to actually fix it. When they changed its vector, it now completely misses parts of the desert (e.g.: around the Galleon) it should be hitting, and shows up inside dungeons like Dagon and the Dregs.
For sone inexplicable reason, they can’t seem to make it only work in the desert, and only over land, not inside dungeons or under water.
In any case, it was never more than a nuisance except for new solo players. Virtually everyone else can either get their hands on a mask, or even just a tent, if they ask around.
Should spawn demons and cause corruption too.
I don’t especially care how dangerous it is, I just get irrationally annoyed that the local population doesn’t bat an eye when it comes rolling through.
Then again I have no idea how doable programming everything to hunker down and take cover whenever a sandstorm kicks up would even be.
I really like that idea. It should spawn sand beasts like it did in the trailer.
i Agree only with the Sandbeasts,
because the way it is already realistic, if u use a mask, why would sand hit you?
maybe without armor i agree, but with armor doesnt make much sense
also i dont use music in the game then i dont care about it
but good idea the sandbeasts, would be fun, maybe it could LAST MORE too, and come ALOT of them hihi XD
yeah if sandstorms are more powerfull new players have a problem as the sandstorm only travels in the low level area’s , and you need atleast level 30 to make a mask.
however what they can do is add a thunderstorm to the highlands a blizzard in the snow and even an eruption in the volcano (i cant think of somthing in the jungle atm)
and becous those are higher level area’s they can be more deadly to full leveled characters.
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